Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3597: Extra Sinking Heian (53)

She is so difficult!

You can’t ask for this contact information anyway!

Thinking of this, she immediately nodded her head: "Yes! I'll contact you after considering it!"

After she thinks it over, can she contact Cao Tezhu?

What is the suspicion of melon fields and plums, is that it will never happen to her again!

Shen Yuan looked calm, with a faint smile, his eyes were not all on He Yixia, but he felt that he was in a good mood today and things went well.

He Yixia suddenly remembered something and asked: "Minister Shen, you just said that looking for me is two things?"

It seems that only one thing has been said so far?

"Yes, it was the first one just now." Shen Yuan stood up from the chair in a neat motion, and buttoned the two bottom buttons of the suit with one hand. "Now it is the second one."

When he stood up, he was too tall, and He Yixia was enveloped in his shadow.

He Yixia always knew that this man was handsome, but when she looked at it from the angle of death, she didn't even affect him at all. Only then did she know that he was three hundred and sixty degrees with no dead ends.

Just when she was slightly in a daze, Shen Yuan gave her a very standard bow, and He Yixia's eyes widened for a while.

Shen Yu'an solemnly said: "He Yixia, on behalf of the department and the employees who made mistakes, I sincerely apologize to you for the mistakes in this work. I also apologize for the trouble I caused you."

His attitude is very sincere and he hasn't been perfunctory at all.

He Yixia was stunned: "It's okay, Minister Shen, it has nothing to do with you."

Shen Yu'an didn't get too frustrated, and quickly sat down again, "I have an unshirkable responsibility for subordinates making mistakes."

This incident was beyond He Yixia's expectations.

But for Shen Yuan, it was just performing a normal job, not because of his and her identity.

Correcting mistakes and apologizing sincerely are the consistent education he has received since he was a child.

When He Yixia came out, she was still shocked by his behavior just now.

A man who works hard and corrects if he makes a mistake is really too good.

At that moment, Shen Yu'an wore a halo on her head, so that she could not ignore his light.

"Yixia, is the matter finished?" Cao Tezhu greeted her.

"Yeah." He Yixia walked out like a sleepwalking.

"Hey, Yixia..."

He Yixia had already walked far away.

Cao Tezhu also wanted to ask when she would come to work, so she was leaving now?

Cao Tezhu had to go to Shen Yu'an's office to report to his work first, and when he walked in, he saw his head of household smile a little, making him suddenly feel a touch of horror.

He had never seen such a smile on the minister's face.

After giving the information to Shen Yu'an for signature, Cao Tezhu glanced at Shen Yu'an again.

Shen Yuan picked up the phone and seemed to be waiting for something.

That cell phone was the one he used the least, but now it has become the one he uses the most, so he takes everything with him.

But the strange thing is that I haven't seen any calls he has made with that mobile phone. Whenever there is a call, the minister still calls him in to answer the call.

The people and things that should be rejected should be rejected by him instead of the minister.

Cao Tezhu didn't understand it. In this case, why didn't the Minister give this mobile phone to him for safekeeping as before?

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