Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3598: Extra Sinking Heian (54)

"Is there anything else?" Shen Yuan raised his eyes and passed over Cao Tezhu.

Cao Te helped shook his head: "It's gone, it's gone."

I'm just a little worried...Will the minister really feel uneasy about his ability to work?

It seems that I have to work harder to be worthy of the minister's expectations of me!


When Li Xueying called, He Yixia had just walked out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Hearing He Yixia talked about this time, she was pleasantly surprised: "So... you actually passed the exam. Can you go to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

"Yeah. It's really a novel with twists and turns."

"Shen Yu'an still bowed and apologized to you? It sounds handsome, what's the matter?"

He Yixia smiled, really a little handsome!

An upright and honest man is indeed very easy to get a good impression.

The appearance of Shen Yuan jumped into his mind for an instant, and He Yixia now indeed admits that even if not counting his height and appearance, his attitude towards life is handsome.

"Then you plan to stay in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

"Well, I think this opportunity is pretty good." He Yixia said with a smile.

"Congratulations! Come on!" Li Xueying laughed.


For three consecutive days, He Yixia finally got Mr. Xu's job done, and after receiving the money, he left quickly.

Finally, there is no need to have anything to do with Xu Meiyi.

It's just that Xu Meiyi's eyes are always with unwilling jealousy.

The next day, He Yixia didn't care about sleeping late, and came together in the morning and went to the hospital.

Father He was very happy to see her, and said, "Yixia, I am going to call you. The doctor asked me to sign and we can transfer to the hospital."

"Transfer, where to go?" He Yixia said suspiciously.

Today is only Thursday, and the hospital and doctors Li Xueying helped to contact will not be in place until the weekend.

"Don't you know?" Father He was also puzzled. "Your friend just came and said that it was the special hospital. We couldn't apply for it before. A doctor came over today and asked your mother to check it. Go directly to that hospital."

"Then let's turn first, it was indeed arranged by my friend." He Yixia thought, maybe Li Xueying helped this matter in advance.

But Li Xueying must still be asleep at the moment, so she didn't call her for now, and took care of her mother's affairs.

Soon, He's mother was sent to that hospital, and a special doctor immediately received her and checked her immediately.

Father He said excitedly: "Yixia, thanks to your friends, otherwise Dad really doesn't know what to do. Your mother must have no problem now."

"It's definitely okay, Dad, don't worry too much." He Yixia said.

He's mother's examination was quickly completed, and He Yixia hurriedly followed the doctor to listen to the results.

The doctor's surname is Gu and he is very temperamental. I heard that he is a very famous doctor in the industry.

He Yixia has often seen his reports in newspapers and news before.

I really didn't expect that my mother was fortunate enough to get his help, and He Yixia felt a little settled when he saw him.

"Your mother’s condition can only be said to have certain heart problems, but as for the specifics, we still need to have continuous examinations. However, it is necessary to be hospitalized now. Her condition is serious or not, but if the problem is mentioned, it is still It’s easy to go wrong."

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