Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3715: Extra Sinking Heian (171)

The charming one smiled at him, but walked to Shen Yuan's side, and said, "Little brother, drink a bar?"

Shen Yu'an is usually in the department and never dared to see him as a little brother.

When a suit is tightly trimmed, it always feels like it's a thousand miles away.

But when he was in the bar, he took off his coat, and underneath was a light-colored woolen sweater, which was in line with his real age. The majesty of the superior only made him more expensive and less healthy. Keep away from being serious.

That's why the woman looked at him at a glance and picked him up among the crowd.

Mo Ziqi and Tang Wen immediately yelled, "Why is no one looking at us, Miss Sister?"

Several other girls approached them.

Immediately, Mo Ziqi's laughter came, and he said kindly: "Waiter, open a few more bottles of red wine! I won't be drunk with the ladies tonight!"

Li Xueying gritted her teeth in a low voice: "These men are indeed a virtue! In such a clean and pure bar, they have to hook up with people!"

He Yixia's brows also frowned slightly, I don't know if they are all like this, or Shen Yu'an will be the exception.

Or is it that men wouldn't refuse these flamboyant scenes?

Shen Yu'an's eyebrows were clustered tightly, and he obviously didn't like this way.

It is precisely because of his characteristics that every time Mo Ziqi and others ask him out, they would choose this very simple drinking bar.

Today, Mo Ziqi is too happy. When he is happy, he will go up, and when he goes up, he can't help but tease Miss Sister, let alone the Miss Sister sent him to the door!

Shen Yu'an stood up and said, "I have something to do, take a step first, and drink slowly."

During the whole process, she didn't even glance at the young lady who had struck up.

Mo Ziqi heard him say that he was going to leave, and then he felt that the matter was a bit big, and waved to the girls, beckoning them to leave as soon as possible.

However, that charming young lady still didn't want to give up. The man in front of her was a stunning beauty she had never seen before, so she was naturally unwilling to give up easily.

She was holding a glass of wine and said, "I won't do anything to you, I just want to make friends."

"I already have a girlfriend, thank you." Shen Yu'an's expression was not cold, and even mild, but the meaning of rejecting people thousands of miles away was unmistakable.

After all, those little sisters didn't get entangled any more, although they were not reconciled, they had to leave.

Li Xueying quietly gave He Yixia a thumbs up.

As soon as the girls left, Mo Ziqi and Tang Wen roared: "Master Shen, where did your girlfriend come from? Who is it? What's her name? Have we seen it? Do we know?"

He Yixia suddenly became nervous and wanted to hear how Shen Yuan introduced her.

Shen Yu'an tilted his head to glance at Tang Wen, then at Mo Ziqi, and said, "Secret."

"What? Shen Yu'an, you are too uninteresting. If you have a girlfriend, you still hide it, fearing that someone might steal it from you?"

"Just you?" Shen Yuan obviously didn't regard them as a threat.

Mo Ziqi was immediately discouraged: "Okay, well, I know you are handsome, just say it quickly."

Shen Yuan didn't speak.

Mo Ziqi still refused to give up: "When will you bring it out for us to see? This is always okay? Shen Yu'an, you are not such a stingy person, are you?"

In the end, she didn't wait for Shen Yuan's response.

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