Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3716: Extra Sinking Heian (172)

After Li Xueying and He Yixia came out, they called a car back.

Seeing that He Yixia hadn't said anything, Li Xueying said in a low voice, "Shen Yu'an might not mean that, why wouldn't he take you to meet a friend? It may just be that he thinks the timing is not right."

These comforts did not make He Yixia feel better.

He refused to strike up a conversation. He Yixia was originally in a happy mood. At that time, he thought about appearing in front of him and giving him a surprise.

But the reality is that he has no plans to introduce her to friends.

If you can't even see your friends, do you have to maintain such an underground relationship?

She can understand the special situation in the department, and she even abides by the rules.

But is it the same for my friend?

"Yixia, don't think too much, he must not mean that."

"It's okay. The time I spent with him was not long. I will communicate with him well."

However, He Yixia has never found an opportunity to communicate.

Instead, he asked him if he was going to hang out with his friends on weekends, and where he usually went.

Shen Yuan's answer is simple, there is very little time to go out to play, and most of the time, he is busy with work.

Such an answer made He Yixia lose her temper, as if she was too unreasonable to make trouble by asking this matter.


After the New Year's Eve, the Spring Festival is getting closer and closer.

He Yixia took Shen Yu'an to meet her friend once, and had dinner with Li Xueying.

But Shen Yuan still didn't mention taking her to see his friend.

At night, the heating in the apartment was fully turned on, and He Yixia was sitting in front of the computer in a loose sweater, but was unwilling to translate novels.

Sit down and start to be in a daze.

She ran to open the door when she heard the knock on the door.

Shen Yu'an came in, drunk on his body, enveloped his upright body, causing him to take three or two minutes of drunkenness.

"Drink so much?" He Yixia helped him walk in.

"Well, I also met a guest who wants to see wine culture."

He Yixia asked him to sit on the sofa and adjust the honey for him.

After taking it back, watched him drink it all.

After Shen Yuan finished drinking, his eyes became clearer, but he still couldn't hide his tiredness. The closer these big holidays were, the busier he was.

Even He Yixia is like this, his work is only a lot more.

"Tsao Cao didn't help you stop a bit?" He Yixia asked.

"He is already unconscious."

He Yixia smiled: "You can keep this way, it's pretty amazing."

She reached out and pucked his forehead.

Even in a well-heated room, her palms have a slight coolness.

Shen Yuan sighed comfortably, and put her hand on her forehead, not allowing her to leave.

He Yixia sat obediently, and after a while she felt sweaty in her palms, and then she said, "I'll twist a towel for you."

"No. Just sit with me for a while."

He Yixia sat with him obediently.

His arms rested on her shoulders, showing peace of mind after being busy.

For a while, he seemed to be a little sleepy. He Yixia remembered that he had worked overtime until more than three in the morning last night, and attended the temporary meeting of Baijing Palace at six this morning, and he did not sleep long.

She couldn't bear to wake him up, so she got up and took the blanket and put it on him gently.

I was thinking whether to let him rest for a while and then go back to bed to rest, or to guard him here first, He Yixia's cell phone rang.

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