Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3725: Extra Sinking Heian (181)

After all, Minister Song is getting older, and he has a very kind taste: "He translates, I have a continuous task to deal with recently, so there may be more translation tasks entrusted to you. You need to be with me recently. There will be more, I hope you are prepared."

"I'm ready, Minister Song."

Minister Song laughed and looked at the young girl in front of him, "Young people, it's good to be motivated. Go, let Special Assistant Zhang introduce you to your recent work."

"Good Minister Song."

Zhang Tezhu took He Yixia to the secretary's office, introduced the work she needed to do, and smiled: "He interpreter, who can stay with a certain leader to do translation work is all during the promotion later. The focus of attention. You have been able to achieve this point in only half a year, and it has great potential."

He Yixia still doesn't know this. It turns out that there are so many benefits to be able to work exclusively with the leader?

Zhang Tezhu saw that she was still young, and obviously hadn't understood it yet, and didn't say much, just arranged for her to go to work.

The translation department's translations are adjusted wherever they need to be, and if you work with the leader for a long time, you can learn not only the content of the translation, but also the opportunity to brush your face, and the opportunity to learn how to be a leader.

He Yixia had such a good opportunity and was so ignorant that Zhang Tezhu couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

It took only a few days for He Yixia to sort out the content and rhythm of Minister Song's work and get started quickly.

But it's really busier than before.

At noon, she went to the cafeteria when she was busy, and there were only three or two people in it.

She saw that Cao Tezhu had just come, and walked over to say hello.

When Cao Tezhu saw her, the dinner plate was almost unsteady, "He...He translates."

"Why are you here for dinner so late?"

Cao Te helped with a sly smile, and finally knew why the minister had to put so much work on himself recently.

Who makes his mouth low, what little cousin should he introduce to He Yixia?

It deserves it too!

Cao Tezhu sat down in front of He Yixia: "The Minister is busy in the morning, and I delivered the lunch at noon. I have to go outside in the afternoon..."

He Yixia asked with a smile, "What do you tell me about this?"

"It's nothing. Just talk about it." Cao Tezhu also smiled all at once.

"Well, then you guys work hard."

"What about the little cousin, when I didn't say it." Cao Tezhu pointed to the last time he sent WeChat to He Yixia and pushed the photo and WeChat account of his little cousin.

It was exactly the first day he ran into He Yixia in Shen Yuan's room.

No wonder Shen Yu'an reacted so much.


Because He Yixia got busy, she didn't give Shen Yu'an another translation of the novel for a long time.

After thinking about it, she still sent a WeChat message: "My Lord Minister, I haven't given you a novel translation recently. Will it have any impact?"

Shen Yuan just sent Chu Xiuping, then changed hands and opened He Yixia's WeChat: "Not at all."

"That's good, I'm afraid to delay your business."

"Are you still used to Minister Song?" Shen Yuan asked.

Shen Yu'an didn't know the past events of Tiaohe Yixia.

If he knew it, he would have opposed it early on.

"It's pretty good, Minister Song is very gentle, as long as the work is done on time, there is nothing to do."

Shen Yu'an was a little relieved.

She added: "If the translation of the novel is not in a hurry, then I will stop for a while. Minister Song has had a lot of things here recently."

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