Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3726: Extra Sinking Heian (182)

"Well, take your time as the most important thing."

He Yixia put away her mobile phone and began to translate Minister Song's working documents.

She was about to leave after get off work in the afternoon, and Zhang Tezhu hurried over: "He translator, you need to go to the hospital for this, and give it to Minister Song."

"Is Minister Song sick?"

"Not really. His daughter is in the hospital." Zhang Tezhu said, "I'll go elsewhere. You can go to Minister Song as soon as possible."

He Yixia took things and took a taxi to the hospital.

Only then did I remember that Song Encheng was Minister Song's daughter.

Hasn't Song Encheng been discharged yet?

Didn't it happen that Dr. Gu operated on her?

He Yixia quickly arrived at the hospital and found Song Encheng's ward.

Minister Song saw her coming and apologized: "I'm sorry, thank you for the translation, please take a trip."

"It's okay." He Yixia said quietly.

"Dad, who is it?" Song Encheng's voice came.

Minister Song looked back at her, and He Yixia only saw her reclining on the hospital bed. She was in good spirits, she also put on light makeup, and her tone was tender.

Minister Song bowed his head and said something to her.

Song Encheng looked up and saw He Yixia, feeling quite uncomfortable, and said, "What are you doing?"

He Yixia is neither overbearing nor overbearing: "Send Minister Song a document."

Minister Song was busy with work, so after getting the documents, he started to call, and he didn't care about talking to the two of them.

Song Encheng became more confident: "Send documents to my dad? You come here less! Don't think that you can achieve your goals by pleasing my dad!"

"Ms. Song has heard a word, what is in your mind, will you see what you think is what you think. I hope you will recover from the illness and think less about what you don't have."

"He Yixia, don't ridicule me. Believe it or not, I will prevent you from staying in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

He Yixia smiled: "Then you try."

Song Encheng was so angry that he threw the documents in his hands.

He Yixia ignored it, and was about to take a step, when he suddenly saw the documents on the ground, a little familiar.

She looked down, and after scanning two rows, she found that the contents were all from "Doomsday Fantasy 7".

"Doomsday Fantasy" 1-6 have been published.

Only 7 is still being proofread even in the author's home country, and only publicity is released.

It is also the one translated by Shen Yuan for He Yixia.

This version can be said to be very top secret.

He Yixia frowned.

She picked up the thing and handed it to Song Encheng.

Song Encheng snatched it over immediately and hugged it in his arms: "My things, don't touch them!"

"Where did you come from?" He Yixia asked.

"You can't control it!" Song Encheng's eyebrows were cold and right!

He Yixia snorted coldly, and after leaving the house, she opened her own file to see that Song Encheng's translated version was exactly the same as her own.

Even if He Yixia does the translation by herself, it is difficult to guarantee that the two translations will be correct, so don't talk about other translations.

So the share in Song Encheng's hand is really the share He Yixia gave to Shen Yu'an.

She immediately lost a sigh of relief in her heart, and without looking at the time, she directly dialed Shen Yu'an.

Shen Yuan is currently abroad, and a meeting is going on at the moment.

He had to pinch off first.

International meetings are different from departmental meetings. Even if he wants to pick up immediately, he has to worry about the occasion.

Shen Yuan handed the phone to Special Assistant Cao, and signaled him to deal with it first.

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