Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3753: Extra Sinking Heian (209)

In short, most people do not believe that He Yixia is innocent.

However, there are some people who are very concerned about it, and they can't wait to come up and ask He Yixia where he got the manuscript resources! It is not convenient for Fang to ask if there are any resources for novel authors they like.

He Yixia quickly arrived at Director Ling's office, and saw him, Minister Song, He's mother, and a well-dressed middle-aged man. Seeing his appearance, He Yixia guessed that he should be the other party's lawyer.

This posture may be about to enter the formal contact stage.

Suddenly He Yixia was not afraid of anything. The more so, the more she wanted to know, what was it, they felt so sure that the things were given by themselves.

Because He Yixia relaxed, she even saw Song Encheng's secretarial office hiding in a sneaky way.

After she misappropriated her grades, Shen Yuan strictly ordered her not to come to the department.

But because of Minister Song, she is always a bit privileged.

Can't let the family come to see his father, right?

On Minister Song's side, everyone still closed their eyes.

She paid special attention to the matter this time, wishing her eyes would fall on He Yixia, it was not surprising that she came to listen.

He Yixia has no feeling for her, and it is not within He Yixia's consideration whether she will come or not.

As soon as He’s mother saw He Yixia, she immediately said, “Yixia, why did you take so long? The lawyer from the other party came in and planned to sue directly, but Director Ling and others hope that everyone will sit down and talk first. , Let’s talk about other things. Everyone is giving you a chance."

"If I haven't done it, what opportunity do I need?" He Yixia reminded her mother softly.

Mother He said hurriedly: "Yes, it's great that you haven't done it before. Let's listen to what the lawyer says."

The lawyer briefly introduced himself. His surname is Wei and he has the full authority to represent the novel author Maxim, foreign publishing houses and domestic publishing houses to sue the piracy agency and He Yixia.

Needless to say, the responsibilities of the piracy agency are currently the matter on He Yixia's side, which has not been determined.

If it wasn't for the special circumstances of He Yixia's unit, Lawyer Wei wouldn't need to give her this face.

Director Ling said: "Attorney Wei, this time we met with you with the opinions of the peace talks. We hope that this matter can be resolved within the scope of minimal impact. We also hope that the truth of the matter can be thoroughly investigated."

Attorney Wei said: "Director Ling is a refreshing person, so I'm straight to the point. We have records of He Yixia's manuscripts to pirated publishing houses and records of her receipts. WeChat's real-name authentication is He Yi summer."

It was a very simple matter for him to go to court, so he didn't hide the evidence and took it out directly.

He Yixia didn't understand why this happened.

After Director Ling and Director Song finished reading, she couldn't wait to take it over, and then said in surprise: "This is my WeChat, but I haven't done anything like this. Also... I didn't have this WeChat account for a long time. used."

After breaking up with Fang Yunqian, she didn't use her previous mobile phone number and her WeChat account.

I have always used the new card and WeChat now.

Attorney Wei just looked at her amused. Obviously, it is extremely difficult for He Yixia to distinguish this matter.

In the eyes of the other party, her words are undoubtedly like sophistry.

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