Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3754: Extra Sinking Heian (210)

WeChat belongs to her and is also certified by her real name. There are a lot of her various information, chat records, and WeChat Moments on it.

So attorney Wei didn't mind showing the evidence directly to her.

Director Ling couldn't help but shook his head secretly. When things were like this, even if he wanted to help He Yixia, there was nothing he could do.

Minister Song also had some regrets. The department did intend to train He Yixia, but if something like this happened, she would not be able to convince the public without expelling her, let alone training.

They really felt a pity for He Yixia.

The future is ruined!

But in the department, in addition to the importance of professional ability, the test of character is also extremely strict.

He Yixia looked at their questioning and regretful eyes, even in the eyes of her mother.

She felt a chill in her heart, and her excuses became paler...


Cao Tezhu did not follow Shen Yu'an today.

Shen Yu'an previously explained to him that he had a private itinerary to catch up, and he didn't need special help from Cao to follow.

So Special Assistant Cao was very anxious when he heard that Director Ling had brought a lawyer to meet He Yixia.

He had heard of the matter more or less, originally thought it was a misunderstanding, and he would explain it clearly soon.

Besides, is Shen Yu'an still here?

But now it seems that the situation is a bit serious!

The point is... why the minister hasn't come back!

Cao Special Assistant is almost dying of anxiety, and it is not easy to go over there to watch the development of things in his capacity.

He paced while looking at his phone.

Secretary Zhang next to him asked, "Why are you worried about Cao Te help?"

"He translates things over there."

"Hey, although translation is a pity, but now I am afraid that the gods will not be able to keep it. It's not that I said you are anxious for translation, why are you doing it?" Secretary Zhang puzzled.

Because Song Encheng was watching the live broadcast, he sent a WeChat to his friend in the next department, and the matter was fixed by He Yixia.

Her two friends had long been uncomfortable with He Yixia. Upon receiving such news, they couldn't help but say that He Yixia had already been convicted.

Cao Te was so anxious that he helped the group go round and round, and called Shen Yu'an several times, but the other party didn't answer it.

Here at the Translation Department, everyone is also discussing this matter.

Yi Xin was very anxious: "How is this? Impossible! I don't believe Yixia would do such a thing."

Qin Yuan couldn't help but glanced in the direction over there, and said, "Nothing will happen."

"How do you know?" Yi Xin asked.

Qin Yuan thought of Shen Yu'an and said, "I just know it anyway."

Yi Xin was very anxious. Hearing what he said, he didn't bother to pay attention to him, and then went to other places to ask people.

But everyone has all kinds of opinions, and they don't know who to believe for a while.


In Minister Song's office, Mother He panicked.

She immediately said to Lawyer Wei: "Lawyer Wei, what should I do now? Is there compensation?"

Attorney Wei is a fan of Maxim's books. When this happened, he was more anxious than others.

At this moment, I didn’t bother to worry about my professional attitude, and snorted: “Of course compensation is required. The defendant may not be able to compensate for this loss alone. It is even more impossible to make an apology, and to apologize publicly. In order to behave like this."

Mother He looked terrified, and immediately grabbed He Yixia's hand and said, "Yixia, apologize quickly! Come and apologize to Lawyer Wei!"

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