Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 378: Not too little, too much

"Yes. But because the wedding dress is still being prepared, I still need time to explain military affairs, so I still need some time." Shen Jingyu said.

Shen Fengshan nodded: "The wedding, let me prepare with your mother."

"Dad, I want to hold a wedding in the west of Portugal first. Then, I will hold it here again."

He reached out and took He Ning's hand.

For the wedding, what he wanted more was to give He Ning a complete procedure, and to let other people not be contemptuous of her anymore.

"It's up to you." Shen Fengshan glanced at his son.

He Ning's heart was filled with warm emotions, the warmth accepted by the Shen family, and the sweetness of everything he did for himself.

After dinner, He Ning spoke with Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen for a while.

Shen Ye came out of Shen Jingyu's room and ran over and said, "Miss Sister, Big Brother is asking you to go to the study."

"Okay." He Ning stood up and walked to the study.

"Husband, what do you want me to do?" He Ning walked to him.

"Wait a minute, Lawyer Nie will come over right away." After Shen Jingyu finished speaking, seeing her frowning her eyebrows, she stretched out and held her hand, "What are you worried about?"

He Ning whispered: "I always feel that all this now is so beautiful and happy that it is too unrealistic, and it makes me feel as if I am dreaming."

Shen Jingyu couldn't help letting out a chuckle, pulled her into his arms, kissed her, and bit her lip heavily.

"It hurts." He Ning whispered.

"Now I know it's not a dream, huh?" Shen Jingyu lifted her chin and gently rubbed her white skin.

He Ning pursed his lips and chuckles, and put his hands around his neck.

Because it was the night, she was wearing very casual clothes, and a big ball suddenly appeared on her chest, making Shen Jingyu's eyebrows deep and deep.

Her throat slid, her lips felt like her own, and she bullied her red lips.

Poke into the fragrant mouth to discover her sweetness.

Two soft taps.

Shen Jingyu reluctantly let go of He Ning, and the two of them pulled the silver wire between their lips. He Ning straightened up from his lap shyly and stood to his side.

"In." Shen Jingyu said.

Lawyer Nie Tianhua walked in.

He took the documents and put them in front of Shen Jingyu.

When an outsider broke in like this, the heat in the room had not subsided, and Hening's face flushed.

Shen Jingyu opened it, read it roughly, and said, "He Ning, signed this."

"What is this?" He Ning looked at the pile of documents curiously.

Nie Tianhua said on her behalf: "Young grandmother, San Ye made you become the actual shareholder of Shen's holding one percent of Shen's shares."

"Huh?" He Ning was hit hard, he gave himself so much wealth?

Nie Tianhua thought she was worried and said, "Young lady, although 1% may not sound high, Shen's share base is large, and the industry is spread all over the world. Many people from the Shen family are even 100%. The 0.5% shareholding is not available. So this is a very, very rich number..."

"No, lawyer Nie, you misunderstood. I don't think it is too little, but too much." He Ning hurriedly shook his head.

She looked at Shen Jingyu: "This is too expensive, I can't afford it."

"You can afford it." Shen Jingyu rubbed her fingers and gave her these not only to give her wealth and the protection of the rest of her life, but also to establish her prestige in the Shen family.

He doesn't have much time to shelter her, and there are some things that should be given to her as soon as possible.

[The author has something to say: Spoiler content, Sanye and He Ning's bodies, they will definitely be fine. 】

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