Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 379: Don't admit it

"But Jingyu, this is too big for me. I don't have any credit for the Shen family, and I haven't done anything..."

Shen Jingyu pulled her into her arms and sealed her lips with a kiss.

Lawyer Nie is still here... He Ning blushed with shame, hiding himself like an ostrich beside Shen Jingyu's shoulder.

Attorney Nie was already okay, raising his head to study the pattern of the ceiling, letting them love as much as they wanted.

Shen Jingyu let go of her: "You are the person I chose, so you are worthy of these. Are you going to say that you are not worthy of me?"

"That's not..." He Ning retorted softly.

"Then accept it." He wants to give more, but now is just the beginning.

He Ning held the pen for a while, and then solemnly wrote his name on the place where he should sign.

Nie Tianhua took it away solemnly, and said, "If it's okay, Sanye, Grandma, I'll go one step ahead."

When he left, Shen Jingyu kissed He Ning without hesitation. At this moment, he just wanted to give her everything, especially the most important point at the waist...


When He Ning was not there, Ye Shu was busy late in the company.

I walked out of the office tiredly and was about to catch the bus, and found that there was a tall off-road vehicle parked in front of him.

In front of a flower, a tall man jumped out of it.

As soon as he saw him, Ye Shu subconsciously tried to smear the soles of his feet.

However, her movements could not be as fast as He Yiming's, and he was soon caught up with her, with a tall figure standing in front of her.

"That, please let..." Ye Shu treated it as if he didn't know him.

There are already more folds on He Yiming's thick eyebrows.

Since that day's events, she has not answered the phone, the text message has not been returned, and people have also stayed away, as if she had completely denied the account after sleeping with him.

He Yiming went directly to the company to block people after finishing these few days.

"Are your eyes okay?" He Yiming asked.

"of course not!"

"Then why don't you reply to text messages and not answer the phone?"

Ye Shu puffed his cheeks: "Why should I?"

"You have slept with me, don't you have any sense of this?" He Yi didn't slap in a sigh, "Is there anyone who didn't admit it for eating like this?"

Such private and shy words came out of his mouth as natural as they had eaten, but even if Ye Shu had a refreshing temper, his ears were red with shame.

"How do you talk like this? Then I can pay you?" Ye Shu felt uncomfortable when he said that he was looking for a Cowherd that day.

He Yiming snorted: "Then you pay."

"Give me your phone, and I'll pass it to you!" Ye Shu snatched the phone from his hand. After scanning the code, he gritted his teeth and paid him half a month's salary, "Five thousand! I've collected it!"

"It turns out that you usually give a lot of tips." He Yiming was so angry that he was already grinding his molars.

It turns out that this woman really doesn't play this kind of criminal game less.

Ye Shu cocked the corners of his lips mockingly: "No, how can I give you more for others? It's just because General He has a different status and his abdominal muscles have grown better, so I have to give you more."

"I can't take the extra money you gave." He Yiming said this, but there was a red fire in his eyes. She really sold him as if!

And she bought it for granted that her cheeks are not red and her heart beats.

"Then you pay me back." Ye Shu couldn't help but feel pain at the thought of how many hot pot meals he could eat with so much money.

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