Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3792: Extra Sinking Heian (248)

Mrs. Song walked up to her and stuffed a cup of hot milk into her hand: "Yixia, my mother is especially able to understand your thoughts. When I was young, I was just like you. I was always so desperate and felt that I could do everything. But a person’s power is limited. These things still have to be solved by a team, a department, and a country. Now the department has departmental rules. When you go, I will say nothing. If you want to go, I Just support you to go! If you don't want to go, I will also persuade you to go! But when you don't need to go, let's stop first, okay?"

To some extent, when she loved her daughter, she and He's mother had something in common.

It's all about protecting the calf mentality, but also for fear that the child will be wronged.

But she was polite and courteous, and more convincing.

Also start from the overall situation.

But He Yixia has already decided this time, and she wants to go.

She is not a Cuscuta standing next to Shen Yu'an, nor a rose that needs to be protected by her parents in a greenhouse.

She is herself, He Yixia, who can do what she wants to do.

You can also stand beside Shen Yu'an with an equal attitude.

She solemnly said: "I want to go!"

Mrs. Song cried out immediately.

He Yixia felt uncomfortable.

She went back to the apartment a little bored.

Shen Yuan is already there, ordering food and waiting for her to come back.

While eating, He Yixia looked at him and said, "Are you not asking about my department's work?"

"Is it going to the mountain area?" Shen Yuan stopped his chopsticks.

"Yeah." She wanted to know Shen Yu'an's attitude and thoughts.

Shen Yuan was silent for a while before saying: "You ask me, I just don't agree."

He Yixia's heart became cold all of a sudden, and she stuffed rice in her mouth silently, and then said for a while: "Even Director Ling has acquiesced."

"Because he and you are only subordinates, you are excellent, he appreciates it." Shen Yuan raised his chopsticks, "And I am different, I am afraid you will be hurt a little. I would rather you are not good, I would rather you are selfish, I just hope you are safe ,comprehensive."

He Yixia said boredly: "So do you also disagree?"

Shen Yuan didn't speak, but silence represented a certain attitude.

"But Shen Yuan, I don't want to just be safe and considerate. I also want to become...a better person, a better self, to become more fearless, brave to face the unknown, and to face all the difficulties in the department. "He Yixia whispered.

She didn't want to be just like He Yixia now.

She can do better and can do it, why not do it?

"What's more, new recruits can go, what can't I go? You are the minister, you were not like this before, and you will not favor anyone." He Yixia's tone relaxed a little and said lightly.

Shen Yuan looked up at her: "I am not partial to anyone. If you should go, I won't say anything. But if you take the initiative, the meaning is different."

It turned out that he also had the same idea as Minister Song, Mrs. Song-the rules must be followed, and when they meet the rules, there is no way.

But she took the initiative to change, and he was worried that something might go wrong, and he didn't want to agree.

The attitude of the three of them left He Yixia at a loss for a while.

She lowered her head to eat, but there was a firm thought in her heart, and she felt that she should go, so she must persist.

Seeing Shen Yuan's face solemn, she didn't speak for a while.

Shen Yuan also remained silent.

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