Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3793: Extra Sinking Heian (249)

Although he is usually serious, he rarely gets angry, and he rarely exudes such a shocking aura.

Now it is different, He Yixia can feel that he is angry.

Eating a meal is extremely silent and uncomfortable.

After the meal, He Yixia went to pack the tableware and put it in the kitchen.

Sitting on the sofa, Shen Yuan still remained silent...and struggling.

After He Yixia packed up her things, she repeated the matter carefully in her heart, thinking about it carefully, holding her hands on the cooking table, trying to calm herself down.

She glanced at Shen Yuan who was sitting in the living room.

Just about to speak, Shen Yuan's cell phone rang, and he answered the phone because he was leaving because of an emergency.

He could only speak briefly to He Yixia, then picked up his coat and left.

He Yixia felt a little bit more in his heart when he left.

After a long while, she slowly sat down on the sofa.

Instead of being himself, Shen Yuan must go to a particularly dangerous place. Will he happily agree?


Shen Yu'an came back after going out and drove into the apartment by himself.

When he was in the parking lot, he sat in the driving seat for a long time, thinking about today's affairs.

Is he no longer fair and just?

Or is this because the person facing him is He Yixia?

He put his fingers on the steering wheel, his expression a little serious.

After a long time, he entered the elevator and directly pressed down to the first floor of He Yixia.

There were no more people in the elevator late at night.

The elevator door opened with a ding, and the street lights in the corridor turned on.

Shen Yuan stepped out and saw He Yixia also standing at the door.

She seemed to have not expected someone else, and was frightened. She looked at him clearly and looked calm.

"Out?" Shen Yuan asked, reaching out to pick up the key she had dropped.

He Yixia pursed her lips: "Go upstairs to see if you are there."

"I just came back from outside." Shen Yuan whispered.

Then he smiled: "Am I such a stingy person?"

Because of a little bit of quarreling, I have to hide in my apartment.

Of course He Yixia knew that he was not such a person, but she knew rationally, but was worried about emotions, so she still went up and took a look.

In doing so, she also understood why they were worried about themselves.

No one will really be willing to go to dangerous places with their loved ones, even if they actually know that it is just to scare themselves.

She pursed her lips, "Go in."

Shen Yuan opened the door and walked in with her.

"Yixia..." After entering the door, Shen Yu'an wrapped her in his arms, "I really can't help it. You don't need to do such a thing, but you want to go."

"But..." His voice was slightly muted, "You are an independent person who can tell what you are doing. If you want to go, I support you."

He thought for a long time, knowing that he shouldn't confine her.

She has her life.

Have her thoughts.

Even if there is some unevenness in the road ahead, he can do his best to protect her, but he can't stop her from going forward.

He Yixia laughed: "I thought a lot, to convince you."

"Really?" Shen Yu'an figured out these things, although he still feels unwilling and distressed, but since the words have been said, there is no need to stick to them.

"Yes. But I also know that your starting point is for my own good. Just like if you want to do a right but dangerous thing, I will worry about you too. I understand your mood. "

"Then since it is the right thing, do it."

Shen Yu'an said firmly in her voice.

"Yeah." She raised her head to look at him, "Each of us has to try our own way. Maybe this time, maybe next time. But I believe that since we made this choice, we You can go better."

Shen Yuan's mood broadened a lot, and he nodded and said, "Yes."


"Yu'an, why don't you persuade you?" Madam Song felt distressed when she heard the news.

"I will only support what Yixia decides." Shen Yuan's voice was steady.

Mrs. Song said anxiously: "How can you treat her like this?"

As soon as she uttered the words, she herself realized that it was too serious.

How Shen Yuan treats He Yixia is completely obvious to all, and it is not at all bad.

And He Yixia's current choice is actually not wrong.

Shen Yuan didn't blame her for being too worried as a mother, but just said: "I believe in Yixia, and I believe she can do it."

He and He Yixia have discussed this matter in detail, and finally decided to respect each other and believe that each other can do better in their respective positions and fields.

As for Minister Song and Mrs. Song, their minds are more serious and their concepts are older. It is not difficult to understand that they have such an idea.

Mrs. Song originally pinned all her hopes on Shen Yu'an, hoping that he could persuade He Yixia to dispel her thoughts.

It seems impossible now.

She sighed and said, "Why?"

"Auntie, Yixia has her own choices and judgments, as well as her own personal ability and experience. She is not a flower in the greenhouse, let her go outside, that will make her better." Shen Yuan said calmly.

Mrs. Song was shocked for a while before she came back to her senses.

"Although she shouldn't go there according to the rules this time, she has made a choice and respects her, okay?"

After Shen Yuan walked for a while, Fu Song carefully pondered and savored these words.

Thinking of Song Encheng and of the He family, Mrs. Song was speechless for a while.

Minister Song walked to her and said, "Okay, since Yu'an has said so, so be it. Yixia is not Encheng, so she will evade like a spoiled child if he doesn't encounter things. It's not that Encheng is in poor health. Always trying every means to protect her. Now it seems that excessive protection will harm the child."

Mrs. Song's nose was sour and she nodded her head.

When He Yixia left, Mrs. Song packed her two large suitcases.

I packed a lot of electric blankets for eating.

"If the food over there is not tasty, you just stick to it and eat this. Also, the clothes, this is a newly bought down jacket, you remember to put it on when it's cold." Mrs. Song instructed one by one.

"I see." He Yixia responded one by one.

The car to the mountain is arranged by the department.

Shen Yu'an and Minister Song, Mrs. Song, could not deliver too much, so she watched as she carried the box and got into the car.

As soon as she got in the car, Shen Yu'an's message was entered on the phone: "Waiting for you to come back."

She smiled and looked at a place not far away from the window. Shen Yuan was standing there with a gentle eyebrow, her worries suppressed in the dark.

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