Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3794: Extra Sinking Heian (250)

She laughed in that direction.

He must be able to see it.

Life in the mountains is indeed inconvenient.

As Mrs. Song said, the traffic here is not very good, and both water and electricity are troublesome.

Especially the mobile phone signal is extremely weak, sometimes not.

The work of the department is not show-style at all, it is a real job to help popularize all kinds of knowledge and help with work.

Precisely because it was not a show, He Yixia felt that it was meaningful.

If you just come to take photos, walk around and leave, you will be too disappointed to come so far.

The colleagues who came with her thought so too. At first, everyone complained and felt that life was too unaccustomed. But looking at the children who stayed in the mountainous area, they still have a pair of curious and curiosity eyes, and those who are full of curiosity. Looking at the longing old man's eyes, everyone felt that it was really right.

Therefore, everyone has reversed the attitude of the time when they came, and all of them have entered the state seriously and devoted themselves to the work.

He Yixia also started to get busy with everyone.

When I get busy, my life will pass quickly and smoothly.

But it was really cold in the mountains, and when Jingyuan was still in the autumn, He Yixia put on a down jacket early.

Today, she ran to school to help those children popularize some knowledge.

After speaking, the children surrounded her and asked all kinds of small questions, and He Yixia answered them one by one with patience.

These children are very simple, and the words mixed with local accents are also very cute.

After He Yixia was busy, he heard that a teacher here was sick.

I heard that this is a female teacher in her thirties. She has been here for many years, and the locals admire her.

He Yixia went to see it and found out why she was sick.

The house I live in is a thatched hut, and it is ventilated everywhere. How can I not get sick?

She immediately took several sets of autumn clothes that Mrs. Song had prepared for herself and distributed them to the female teacher.

He Yixia and her colleagues soon established a high prestige here, and everyone liked to contact them.

The mood of all colleagues at work is also very high.

The only bad thing is that He Yixia is only able to make calls to Shen Yu'an occasionally.

Others who are accustomed to playing with mobile phones can only temporarily put down their phones and deal with the things at hand.

Everyone is also scattered in various villages and cannot communicate with each other. Every day, everyone has to go to a fixed school location so that everyone can communicate.

I feel that my lifestyle has changed all at once, but my mental state has only improved.

It may be that I am too accustomed to relying on mobile phones, and now all my body and mind are placed in the wilderness, but it is a spiritual and physical baptism.

When He Yixia was away, Shen Yuan's work was no different from usual.

It is inevitable that when I think of her occasionally, I will be in a daze.

Every time Cao Tezhu saw Shen Yu'an at work, he was distracted during intermittent time, and he knew that it was because of He Yixia.

He also did not expect that He Yixia would tidy up Shen Yu'an and obediently.


After finishing the work of the day, He Yixia returned to her place of residence and took a brief wash.

As night falls, it is rare that there is electricity today, and even mobile phones have signals.

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called Shen Yu'an.

On Shen Yu'an, who had just finished his work, he was taken to the bar by Mo Ziqi and others to determine the final issues of the work.

He Yixia's phone calls are always difficult to get through. Although he is mentally prepared, he still feels that time flies a little too slowly.

It was only half a month, as if a long time had passed.

Mo Ziqi and the others sat aside, looking at each other, and it was quite lively and festive.

Today, some of my friends brought a girlfriend to let everyone get to know each other. Everyone was coaxing and happily adding another layer of joy.

Shen Yuan don't open his eyes.

Mo Ziqi stepped forward and hooked his shoulders: "I miss it? I didn't expect your young master to be able to talk so vigorously even in a relationship."

"What about you? Li Xueying is easy to chase?" Shen Yuan didn't want to talk to him.

Mo Ziqi was dumbfounded right away, sitting aside with a wine glass in depression.

When Li Xueying chased him, he didn't care much. Later, after caring, he realized that she was chasing countless men. He had no particularity at all.

He should have ignored Li Xueying's answer.

Who knew that the other party also began to avoid her.

He originally thought that there would be nothing to do with each other, but he often thought of the round baby face again.

And it is inevitable to see it sometimes at the gatherings of the fathers.

Mo Ziqi, who was rarely troubled by feelings, had such a time.

Shen Yuan looked at the phone and sent He Yixia’s WeChat. I don’t know if she saw it, but she didn’t respond very much. Judging from the reports of the subordinates over there, the signal was sometimes missing. The last one he sent Still staying the day before yesterday.

He threw the phone on the table and squeezed his eyebrows.

Mo Ziqi seemed to have figured out something, and he hooked his shoulders again: "Walk around, let's go outside and let out a breath. Watching their show of affection!"

The friend who brought his girlfriend next to him was laughing and laughing with everyone.

Shen Yuan went to the balcony with nothing to do. Mo Ziqi lit a cigarette. Knowing that Shen Yuan wasn't smoking, he started to vomit.

Shen Yuan looked into the distance.

His cell phone is on the coffee table.

When He Yixia called, the screen lights up.

Someone was about to call Shen Yu'an, and the person next to him joked: "It seems like my sister-in-law is calling? Who dares to pick it up and make a joke with her?"

Everyone is usually afraid of Shen Yu'an and dare not joke with him at will.

But tonight because I was happy, I drank a lot of wine, and it was a little bit on the top for a while.

Once the idea of ​​pranks was put forward, some people couldn't help it.

"Let Xinxin pick it up. Just ask her who she is looking for." Others booed.

Xinxin is the girlfriend brought by that friend today. She didn't want to engage in this prank.

However, everyone was interested and kept encouraging.

She had to pick it up.

"Hey, Yu'an~" He Yixia's voice came over the phone.

"Are you looking for Yu'an? Yu'an went to take a bath. You can call me later." Xinxin answered the phone and said to He Yixia according to the words arranged by everyone.

After a sizzling electric noise came over there, the phone hung up.

Everyone looked at each other for a while before someone said in a low voice, "Fuck it, it's broken! Sister-in-law's signal is already bad!"

Everyone thought that a spoof would soon reveal the answer, but now that the signal is broken, He Yixia may have really misunderstood it!

When Shen Yuan and Mo Ziqi opened the door and came in, they found that the lively scene just disappeared, and there was a kind of fascinating silence.

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