Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3802: Extra Sinking Heian (258)

She stood where she was, Shen Yuan walked towards her, reached out and held her hand: "So, do you have any questions about me and He Yixia?"

Naturally, other people will have no doubts. Feelings are other people's business and have never been related to them.

Even those who have liked Shen Yu'an know that their likes are in vain. Where can they really be with him?

Tian Keren and Chen Pingru looked at each other and took a few steps back.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Minister Shen." Seeing this, they knew how stupid they were, how unreliable what Song Encheng said.

Seeing how Shen Yuan and He Yixia look like, the time together is definitely not short.

On Song Encheng's side, he was still talking last night that Shen Yu'an was with her.

Only then did the two of them realize that with Song Encheng's ostentatious temperament, they did not show them a photo of her and Shen Yu'an, nor did they take them to dinner with Shen Yu'an once.

Shen Yu'an raised her eyebrows and looked at them, her eyes dissatisfied.

What the two noticed, they could only say to He Yixia: "Sorry, translation."

They suddenly thought of one thing. The unspoken rule in the department is that insiders cannot openly fall in love, and Shen Yuan and He Yixia do not seem to be open.

Obviously, today Shen Yu'an made the love affair between the two people public to protect He Yixia.

In other words, the two of them forced them to admit it!

The two of them panicked, their faces turned pale, and the mistakes they made were far more than a sentence of sorry that could be revealed.

However, Shen Yuan didn't look at them more, let alone their fear and worry.

He only said to He Yixia: "Go back to work."

"What about you?" He Yixia was worried.

As a minister, you have blatantly undermined the principle of not being openly in love. Although everyone does not talk about it now, there will be a lot of noise soon, right?

This time the pressure was all placed on him.

"Don't worry. I have made arrangements." Shen Yuan was inconvenient to talk to her too much at this moment, and then left after comforting her.

After discussing for a while, the others all fell into their seats.

Although it is really surprising to hear this news at first.

But thinking about it carefully, He Yixia's ability to work and her exceptionally provocative appearance, and all this seems to be not so difficult to understand.

He Yixia's hanging heart was settled before noon.

Because at noon, the entire department issued an internal announcement: "Shen Yu'an is about to be transferred from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and his current destination is tentatively scheduled to be the Baijinggong Cabinet. Please be aware."

The brief internal announcement language declared that Shen Yuan was about to leave the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Therefore, he and He Yixia, strictly speaking, are not department colleagues, and naturally they are not subject to departmental rules.

Some few people with pantothenic acid were racking their brains to discredit Shen Yu'an for breaking departmental rules, and they were stunned by this internal notice.

All the hostile discussions towards Shen Yu'an could not be fermented at all.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand that Shen Yuan, the son of Shen Jingyu and the future heir of Baijing Palace, is most likely to provoke the future leader of the Dragon Empire. He himself cannot stay in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs all year round. .

Any department he goes to can only be an experience.

During the nearly four years in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has done well enough. When he has nothing to continue to improve, he naturally has to move to other places.

He Yixia had already heard Shen Yu'an talk about the transfer to the cabinet.

I just didn't expect it so fast.

It's no wonder that when that incident happened today, Shen Yu'an kept letting her not worry, because he had already arranged a way out.

He doesn't need to be criticized. Of course He Yixia is happy, but she is still a little bit reluctant to think that there will be fewer opportunities to meet in the future.


After leaving get off work in the afternoon, Shen Yuan did not hide it, because it had already been announced to the world, so he came directly to pick up He Yixia from get off work.

He Yixia felt a gaze around him, all falling on him, a little uncomfortable.

It wasn't until Shen Yuan held her hand that her mind was certain.

"The things in the daytime really scared me to death." After getting in the car, she had a lingering fear. "You said those things in public, and I don't know how many criticisms you have. Fortunately..."

"The cabinet has been waiting for me, just waiting for me to finalize the work here. This matter today is just an opportunity." Shen Yuan smiled, "I am still worried about how to disclose our relationship."

He Yixia looked at him with a smile: "Why don't I know you want to be public so much?"

"Did you not see it?" Shen Yu'an tilted his head, his face was handsome, and his eyebrows were gentle.

He Yixia's heartbeat can be seen speeding up.

He whispered: "I have always wanted to tell the world."

I want to determine the status of the two people earlier than she.

He Yixia smiled in her eyes, turned her body towards him, and touched his forehead.


After He Yixia was made public, Shen Yuan was about to leave the Ministry of Foreign Affairs again, and the entire translation department urged He Yixia to invite dinner.

Naturally, this kind of meal should be done with Shen Yu'an.

She did not rashly agree, but said: "Then I have to ask Shen Yu'an if she has time."

Everyone remembered that Shen Yu'an was a busy person, and suddenly felt a little discouraged: "Then maybe this meal is really not enough."

"Yes, where does Minister Shen have time? I know that he is very busy every day."

"Yes, right, right, speaking of it, since I arrived at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I haven't actually seen him a few times. Instead, I read more on the news.

But some people said: "Let Yixia try it, it's okay to try."

Everyone looked at He Yixia calling.

He Yixia had to dial Shen Yu'an's cell phone, but in fact he was a little worried whether he would find time.

The call is connected.

"Yixia, call me at this time, something?" Shen Yuan heard the sound of paper turning.

"It's a little thing, but if you're busy, we'll talk about it when you are free."

"It's okay, you say first."

He Yixia asked softly: "The colleague from the Translation Department wants to have a meal with us. I just want to ask if you can spare time."

After He Yixia finished speaking, Shen Yuan said: "Wait for me."

Then He Yixia heard him confirming the itinerary with Cao Special Assistant, and there was a low and fine voice.

After a while, Shen Yu'an said: "This Friday night, or this weekend, I can take half a day to see if your colleagues are free? Give me a reply after you are sure."

"Okay." He Yixia put down the phone safely, and relayed Shen Yu'an's words to everyone.

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