Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3803: Extra Sinking Heian (259)

"Minister Shen really agreed? He is a busy man who is willing to take time to invite us to dinner!" Everyone was surprised, but they were all happy.

Then everyone discussed the time enthusiastically, and finally decided on Friday night.

Speaking of it, although people from the Translation Department often accompany big figures out to do translations, in fact, there are really not many people who have stayed with Shen Yu'an.

Everyone is very happy to have this opportunity.

He Yixia told Shen Yuan of the determined time.

Shen Yuan quickly replied to her WeChat: "Yes, then it's OK to say that this Friday night. I will book the location and send it to you, and then everyone will come together."

The entire translation department is waiting excitedly for the arrival of Friday.

On this day, everyone was nervous and excited, although they were usually able to see Shen Yu'an in the cafeteria, rounding them up was considered to have eaten together.

But there are really few opportunities to be able to eat at the same table with him.

After get off work that day, everyone followed He Yixia to the place to eat.

The place Shen Yu'an booked was very close to the department, so it would be nice to walk there directly.

Everyone talks and laughs, and it's time to talk.

He Yixia was about to walk in with her colleagues, when everyone suddenly raised their heads, they hummed ambiguously.

It turned out that Shen Yuan did not wait in the private room, but stood at the door of the restaurant, waiting for everyone to arrive.

It was obviously for He Yixia to be able to make him make such a low-profile behavior.

"Oh, does Minister Shen look like a bridegroom welcoming guests?" someone joked.

He Yixia blushed: "Everyone, go in, stand here to block others."

Everyone stepped forward happily, and the original nervousness was relieved by Shen Yu'an's move.

Shen Yuan stepped forward and took He Yixia's hand. After greeting everyone, he walked side by side with He Yixia and entered the private room.

The crowd relaxed a bit, and they laughed and chatted casually.

After the dishes were ready, everyone glanced at Shen Yu'an, who was sitting at the main seat, and felt a little unreality. I really didn't expect that one day the Minister could invite everyone to eat together and sit at a table with him.

Shen Yu'an was calm, took the wine glass in his hand, and said with a smile: "Everyone is Yixia's colleague. They have taken care of her a lot in the past, and I hope everyone can take care of her more in the future. To everyone."

Everyone raised the cup in their hands one after another, regardless of what was in the cup, and worked with him.

With his toast, the atmosphere became more active, and Shen Yuan didn't have much air. Although he spoke few words, he listened very carefully, sometimes with a sentence or two, which seemed very easy-going.

He Yixia sat aside, looked at his side face, and suddenly recalled the real reason why Shen Yu'an would come to eat with everyone.

It's not just because of everyone's booing.

It's not just that he has made a public relationship with himself.

It's that he is leaving this department and can't take care of her personally in the future. Her life can't be a vacuum. She always has to contact with people around her, and the people she usually contacts most are these colleagues.

He is doing his best to make the environment around her better and more suitable for getting along with ease in the future.

Thinking of this, He Yixia stretched out her hand and put it beside him.

Shen Yu'an was talking with someone, and when she noticed her movement, she subconsciously covered her palm with her hand.

Naturally, the small movements couldn't escape everyone's attention, and everyone was having a new round of jokes.


When Yi Xin went out of the country, she missed Shen Yuan's public protection of his wife, strong publicity, and invitations to department colleagues for dinner. She stomped her feet with regret.

"Why would I choose such a time to go on a business trip? Why is my luck so bad? Am I an African?" After Yi Xin came back, hearing everyone talk about these anecdotes, it was horribly uncomfortable.

People have it, but if they don't have it, they are so angry.

She distributed the gift to He Yixia and said: "He Yixia, what kind of non-chief do you think I am? Not only did I miss these, Minister Shen will also be transferred. Hey, I am afraid I will not be able to eat your dog food in the future. ."

"I'll treat you to a meal alone this weekend." He Yixia really felt embarrassed.

"Do I want to eat that meal? I obviously want to see you and Minister Shen spread dog food and slap those troublemakers!" Yi Xin shook his head.

He Yixia spread her hands: "Then I can't help."

"I am not worthy!" Yi Xin put down the gift, "You wait, I will open an idol drama to watch!"

However, He Yixia really has no time to invite Yi Xin to dinner, and she also has a job to go abroad for business trips.

Things were urgent. After receiving the notice, the department gave He Yixia a time to go home to pack up his clothes, and the boarding time was almost up.

He Yixia could only call Shen Yu'an.

"It just so happens that I'm busy lately." Shen Yu'an said in a low voice, "You have to take care of yourself outside."

"Yeah." He Yixia nodded.

Shen Yuan has now delegated more than half of the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the rest has to be done by himself. Thinking of He Yixia going abroad, many things are inevitable.

However, with the people in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, relative safety can be guaranteed, and Shen Yuan still feels relieved.

This time I went to a small country in South America.

Because He Yixia can speak many foreign languages, someone in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who needs an interpreter now tends to consider her first.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs work efficiency, and He Yixia's work is more busy than ordinary translators.

She stopped until midnight.

The starlight outside the window is just right, and it has been a long time since I saw such a vast starry sky.

She warmed herself a glass of milk and the phone rang.

It turned out to be Mrs. Song.

"I heard, you just got off work?" Mrs. Song also called with time.

"Well, just finished."

"Yixia, why don't you change your job." In South America, the situation is still not as good as the Dragon Empire. Mrs. Song also heard that this small country has started to be a little messy recently, and her heart is anxious.

He Yixia thought for a while, "I like this job very much and don't want to change. Besides, I will be with the people in the department and there will be no safety issues."

She knew what Mrs. Song was worried about.

In fact, Mrs. Song has always supported Minister Song's work. When she was young, she did not go to these places less often.

But when it's my daughter's turn, I can't let it go.

Hearing He Yixia's attitude, she also knew that it was useless to say anything. The young people still need to go their own way.

She was not obsessed with this topic, just said: "Then you protect yourself and come back early. I'll make good food for you when I get home."

He Yixia smiled: "Okay."

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