Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3818: Extra Sinking Heian (274)

Mrs. Song walked to He Yixia and said, "Yixia, who is that? Are you a friend?"

"Not a friend. It's just someone you know." He Yixia said softly.

"Looking at her, it seems that she has a bad attitude towards you." Mrs. Song also came here because she saw a little hideous look on Xu Meiyi's face, intending to help He Yixia.

He Yixia didn't lie to her, she briefly talked about Xu Meiyi's identity, and said: "She is like this. She has always regarded me as an imaginary enemy, always thinking about finding some omissions in me."

Mrs. Song looked at Xu Meiyi's disappearing figure and said, "After that, let's avoid her a little bit and don't be familiar with this kind of person."

He Yixia nodded gently.

After returning, He Yixia went to the room to pack up the things he bought.

Minister Song went back to his room to change clothes. Mrs. Song helped him get a coat and said while helping him change: "Husband, I think we should find some time to officially announce the identity of our daughter."

"I have such thoughts. Now, even though the relatives in the family know about Yixia's identity, there are still many people in the outside world who don't know Yixia's identity. Living at home is always a bad name."

Mrs. Song lowered her head and said, "Oh, it should have been this way. Now we are too sorry for Yixia."

She has been in relationship with Song Encheng's mother and daughter for more than 20 years. Although she has always felt that Song Encheng is headstrong, sometimes this feeling cannot be given up.

So after recognizing He Yixia for so long, she hasn't officially announced He Yixia's identity and existence.

Because once it was announced, it was necessary to clarify the source of Song Encheng's life experience, which was a huge blow to Song Encheng.

What Mrs. Song originally thought was that He Yixia has already returned. As long as she takes good care of her, everything should be given to her, everything will be fine. Song Encheng has already let her fend for herself, so she should no longer be in identity Things hit her.

But now she realized that He Yixia's identity had not been officially announced, which caused He Yixia to actually have too much inconvenience, and there were also many speculations and discussions from the outside world.

After all, this hurt He Yixia.

Faced with such a situation, she had to make a choice.

Soon, Mrs. Song told He Yixia about this matter.

"We will hold a special banquet, invite some friends and colleagues over to celebrate." Mrs. Song said softly, "Let's see when you have time?"

"I should be quite free lately, you can arrange it."

"Well, let's make arrangements like this first."

Mrs. Song looked at He Yixia: "Yixia, I'm so sorry that we only announced this matter for so long."

"It's okay, isn't it all right now?" He Yixia understood their feelings.

I also understand that they still have feelings for Song Encheng.

After all, it was more than twenty years of getting along.

Just like herself, she knew He's mother was such a person, but she couldn't get out after tangled for a long time?

It is not easy in itself to wipe out the family affection of the past two decades.

It's just that before, she tacitly knew that she had never mentioned it to Mrs. Song.

Everyone still can't forget the memories of the past, and they are also created by the life and memories of the past. How can it be said that if you forget, you will completely forget?

Mrs. Song's proposal to publicly declare this matter is indeed very important to He Yixia.

Because she now lives at home, she feels that she is always close to Minister Song, and the people outside are unknown. I'm afraid there are many people who think like Xu Meiyi.

He Yixia went to the pantry the other day and vaguely heard someone speculate about his relationship with Minister Song. Although the people in the department did not say it as badly as Xu Meiyi, it was a bad influence after all.

Once it is announced, rumors will be completely reduced in the future.


Mrs. Song is vigorous and resolute, and she will do what she says.

A week later, the banquet was ready.

She did not announce in advance what the matter was, but because many of the invited colleagues were close to Minister Song, this was a welcome banquet prepared for He Yixia's return to the Song family, or it was spread on a small scale. Up.

On that day, everyone in the department with a little bit of shame was invited, and there were also many friends and colleagues from Minister Song.

As the absolute protagonist of tonight, Mrs. Song was pressed by Mrs. Song in the hotel room to let her rest and eat more. She was afraid that after the banquet opened for a while, she would entertain on an empty stomach.

Fang Yunqian and Xu Meiyi went to the scene hand in hand.

They were not among those invited, but Xu Meiyi had been exhausted recently for her father's project, so she had to use some means to get the invitation letter.

Mr. Xu has failed several projects in a row. If he continues to fail, he will sooner or later go bankrupt.

Xu Meiyi has to take on the responsibility of the family no matter what.

Fang Yunqian had to accompany him too. The Xu family used to urge him in the top position. No matter how close together he and Xu Meiyi were, the friendship could not be wiped out.

"I will see Minister Song in a while, no, even if it is Director Ling, we have to try our best to make a face and try to add it to the contact information." Xu Meiyi reminded, "Even Director Ling's authority is sufficient for our project. Resurrected from the dead."

"I don't know what the Song family is doing today. We can't act rashly." Fang Yunqian said.

"What do you do? What else can you do with this kind of wealthy banquet? Isn't it a gathering where everyone can get together and then develop relationships and careers? We are here because we must seize the opportunity.

Fang Yunqian said, "I see."

"You accompany me to make up some makeup first." Xu Meiyi was a little nervous. Although she had never been to such occasions before, it was when her father was still in a prosperous career.

Today is different.

Besides, the identity of the people who came and went today was not much higher than those banquets she had seen in the past.

If it weren't for her previous relationship, I'm afraid that she won't even be able to enter the hotel door after receiving this invitation.

He Yixia stayed a bit boring in the hotel room. Mrs. Song always treated her as a child, for fear that she would not have enough to eat, so the hotel attendant brought some good food.

She was looking sadly at the food on the table, and when she heard Li Xueying's call, she immediately answered it.

"Yixia, I'm downstairs, where can I find you?" Li Xueying did her part to attend this banquet tonight, and arrived early.

"I'll come down to pick you up." He Yixia said immediately.

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