Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3819: Extra Sinking Heian (275)

Sitting here is really bored. She put down her phone, picked up her bag, put on her shoes, and walked straight downstairs.

At the entrance of the hall, she saw Li Xueying.

After marriage, Li Xueying's appearance has not changed much, but her complexion is better than before. A smile on a baby's face is round, full of collagen, and still does not lose the cuteness before marriage.

"Yixia!" Li Xueying ran over and took her arm, "Congratulations, I heard that I will be invited to a wedding soon? Are you sure about the day?"

"Quickly, now that I have set a few days, I still have to look at Yu'an's time. If he decides over there, he can set the final time."

"Then I have to hurry up and save a big red envelope."

The two of them walked in while chatting, just as Fang Yunqian and Xu Meiyi also came out of the bathroom and bumped into them.

Xu Meiyi's eyes were sharp, and he saw He Yixia at a glance.

On the contrary, He Yixia, after being watched by her for a long time, realized that the two people in front of her knew each other.

However, looking at Fang Yunqian and Xu Meiyi, she felt as if she had known each other so long in her previous life.

Especially Fang Yunqian, that feeling is too strange.

Xu Meiyi looked up and down He Yixia, and saw that she was wearing a light white fringed evening dress. She was coming to the dinner tonight.

Light white is an extremely difficult color to control, and tassels are also easy to look small.

However, when He Yixia wore it on her body, not only was it not in the slightest insecure, but she appeared to be generous, especially as the porcelain white and delicate to set off her skin, that is undoubtedly the creamy skin in the legend.

This recognition made Xu Meiyi feel uneasy, and said, "He Yixia, are you here for today's dinner too?"

The disdain in her tone was disgusting.

Li Xueying immediately said: "Yes, why can't Yixia come to attend? Seeing you look like this, you are also here for the dinner tonight, right?"

"I came here with an invitation letter." Xu Meiyi naturally also knew Li Xueying. Everyone came out of a school, so they knew everything.

It's just that when Li Xueying was in school, she had always been very low-key. She didn't even know that Li Xueying was a rich second generation. Otherwise, she wouldn't speak loudly to Li Xueying.

Xu Meiyi is now clinging to people, wanting to solve the family's business situation and economic crisis as soon as possible.

However, he turned a blind eye to those with resources and contacts around him.

She sneered: "How did you come here?"

After speaking, she covered her mouth and smiled, and replied: "Oh, I forgot, He Yixia and Minister Song have a very close relationship, so I should be able to come here directly today, right?"

Li Xueying heard her ridicule, knowing that she has always been a villain, and immediately said: "Yes, Yixia has a very close relationship with Minister Song, so if you know you, it's best not to provoke us. Otherwise, the consequences will be. You can't afford it."

Hearing Li Xueying talking about the relationship between He Yixia and Minister Song in such a big way, not only Xu Meiyi but also Fang Yunqian couldn't help frowning. Such words can also be brought to the table?

Xu Meiyi immediately laughed: "I hope you can say this in front of everyone by then, and you don't have to do it in front of me alone."

"Is there anything I can't say? I just want to say it, I will not only say it, but I will say it loudly for a while!" Li Xueying has long been uncomfortable with these dog men and women, and they just want to hit her muzzle. Of course she wouldn't let it go so kindly, "Do we Yixia have those things like juniors, ruining other people's feelings, relying on the father-in-law, and those things? What can't be said? Someone can come here with a face, why are we still What should you worry about?"

These words made Fang Yunqian and Xu Meiyi flush.

Li Xueying let out a sigh of disgust, and she was finally refreshed, and said: "Oh, I forgot, now Xiao San has successfully taken the position, so she is a formal husband and wife. You can show affection and whitewash your feelings outside. But true love, we can't talk about Xiaosan!"

"Li Xueying, don't tell me anything messy!" Xu Meiyi stopped angrily.

"The mouth grows on my body, what I want to say, a little bit!" Li Xueying continued to talk more and more vigorously.

He Yixia couldn't help but laugh, Li Xueying always did this, she was unreasonable, but it was really pleasant to be said by her.

Fang Yunqian couldn't help looking at He Yixia sadly: "Yixia, you don't want to be like this, OK?"

"What do I want?" He Yixia immediately sank.

Fang Yunqian concluded at a moment, his original intention was to tell He Yixia not to continue to get together with Minister Song, he knew it was his own mistake that caused all this.

But these words, he couldn't say it bluntly.

As soon as He Yixia heard his tone, he knew that he and Xu Meiyi thought the same, nasty people can always think of nasty places, and use the worst malice to speculate on other people's thoughts and practices.

"What do I want to do, do this or that, it seems that it has nothing to do with the two of you?" He Yixia said coldly, "I have time to take care of me, it is better to take care of yourself and think about your own affairs. !"

Fang Yunqian could only look at her with a look of hatred for iron and steel, but also very distressed.

He Yixia's look was the most disgusting, as if he could really affect other people's lives, and as if He Yixia could not live without him.

She retracted her gaze in disgust, took Li Xueying's arm and said, "Let's go in first."

Li Xueying snorted, raised her head proudly, and walked inside.

Looking at Fang Yunqian's face, Xu Meiyi was very hurt.

But now she is not in the mood to manage what Fang Yunqian is thinking, so she has to walk in first. She still has a lot to do today, and she has to see if she can make a relationship that can be used.

She swallowed her anger, put her arm on Fang Yunqian's arm and walked inward. According to her friend's introduction, she immediately saw a young talent, Mo Ziqi, and Fang Yunqian speeded up their pace and walked over there. .

"Mo Shao!" Xu Meiyi stepped forward to say hello.

Mo Ziqi came with Li Xueying today, but the woman, who values ​​friends and despise sex, went to He Yixia as soon as she came, and no one knew where she had gone.

As soon as Li Xueying left, Mo Ziqi was in a state of loss. He didn't know him when he heard someone say hello. He glanced at him casually, and absently returned two words on social occasions.

Xu Meiyi had long heard that Mo Ziqi was a well-known rising star in the circle, so she tried to communicate with him.

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