Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3836: Extra Sinking Heian (293)

He Yixia and Shen Yuan have decided not to have children for the time being, and both of them focus on work.

Shen Yuan quickly gained a foothold in the cabinet.

He Yixia's work in the department has also become more and more smooth.

The outside world is still unavoidable that there will be some rumors, that He Yixia can gain a foothold in the department, and his father and husband have a big relationship.

Some new employees will inevitably feel that their promotion is not as good as He Yixia, because there is no father like Minister Song and a husband like Shen Yu'an.

He Yixia heard this and ignored it.

In the past two years working in the department, she has heard too many kinds of discussions.

Even if a person is comprehensive in all aspects, others can still grasp other points to discuss, just like when she only came in before, when she had nothing to do with Minister Song and Shen Yu'an, she would be discussed as a girl from an ordinary family. , With limited vision, how can I be competent for such a powerful job.

She just needs to be herself.

The mouths of the faint people can't be blocked.

In the year after marriage, He Yixia boarded the United Nations summit as a simultaneous interpreter and worked on the stage as the spokesperson of the Dragon Empire on that day.

It was also the most shining simultaneous interpretation of the year. At the summit, he was able to respond freely, appearing in front of the people of the world with a capable, confident, neat and professional image.

Everyone began to learn more and more about this translator who was capable of her own, using her own name, not Minister Song's daughter or Shen Yu'an's wife.

She helped Chu Ning deal with affairs in Baijing Palace, and she was also handy, and she became more organized.

The second year after marriage.

Shen Yuan and He Yixia have become more and more popular in their respective fields of work, becoming the soul figures in this field.

Shen Yuan accepted an invitation from a university to participate in university lectures and the World Student Summit.

When he went out, He Yixia carefully arranged his tie and clothes, looked at it for a while and said, "It's so handsome."

"It's his wife who is well dressed." Shen Yu'an looked at He Yixia in the mirror with gentle brows, hugged her and kissed her, "I will be back early in the evening."

"Well, did you bring your bodyguards?"

"There is nothing going on in the school, so I brought two to maintain order." Shen Yuan has participated in many activities and has become accustomed to it.

With his bodyguards, he appeared in a certain university in Jingyuan in a low-key manner.

He wanted to keep a low profile, but he couldn't keep a low profile anyway.

He has not yet arrived at school, and the news has spread. In the past two years, he has gained a reputation. With his outstanding looks and outstanding ability, he has become a more dazzling existence than a celebrity.

The feelings between him and He Yixia are also unavoidable to be discussed and commented on.

When He Yixia chased him back then, many young girls spoke out.

Most girls have heard such stories, sighed a few, and envied a few words, forget it, at most say the last sentence: "Then He Yixia is really good, and proactive attack can win the male god."

But some people took it to heart after hearing it.

Is He Yixia able to win the male **** by this method, and change to another person?

Is it possible to be favored by Shen Yu'an as long as he is bold enough?

Therefore, when she learned that Shen Yuan was coming to school, there was a young girl who wrote a love letter carefully and held it in her arms.

She thinks that she has outstanding looks, and she is very good at it. Compared with He Yixia, she is not bad at all.

If Shen Yuan likes a woman who boldly expresses himself, he will be fascinated by He Yixia, and it is inevitable that he will also be fascinated by himself.

For this, she specially joined the interview team of the school, so she was able to get the first-hand information from Shen Yuan.

So as soon as Shen Yuan's car arrived at school, she knew it immediately.

Then, she quickly took her temporary interview permit and approached Shen Yu'an and his party.

The black car of Baijing Palace stopped at a fixed position, and Shen Yuan got out of the car. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall, making the bodyguards behind him short.

The afternoon sun fell on him, making his facial features more distinct.

The girl originally thought that, like Shen Yu'an, there are people who take pictures, so the films that come out are comparable to celebrities, but she will definitely be slightly inferior to the photos.

However, when she saw the real person, she knew that the real person Shen Yuan was even more outstanding than the photos.

When Shen Yu'an and his party walked over, the momentum forced her to barely breathe.

However, thinking of her own plan, she could be favored by Shen Yu'an with initiative and boldness. With such a good opportunity, why not give it a try?

After getting into a relationship with a man like Shen Yu'an, he took a shortcut in the future, just like He Yixia, soaring into the sky.

Immediately, she passed the bodyguard and rushed in front of Shen Yu'an.

Because she was a student with a temporary interview card, the bodyguard did not stop her too much.

She ran to Shen Yu'an, slammed the carefully prepared love letter into his hand, and then said shyly, "Minister Shen, can I interview you later?"

Shen Yuan glanced at the thing in his hand, the pink envelope, the obvious heart shape, and he immediately knew it.

He looked a little serious, and picked up the letter: "If it is an interview arranged by the school, I will naturally accept it. But things...cannot be accepted."

"This is my separate letter to you. Please take a look." The girl mustered up her courage, "I, I have admired you for a long time."

Not every girl is interested in a married man. Most women will deliberately keep a distance when they learn that the other person is married.

However, in this world, there are still such a small group of people who always treat the word married as nothing, and their moral concepts are very superficial. People who never feel that they shouldn't be touched can't be touched.

Just like the girl in front of her, she only grasped what she wanted from the story she heard, and did not consider the feelings of other people, let alone thinking about He Yixia's feelings.

Shen Yu'an returned the letter to her and said quietly: "I don't like to receive personal gifts because I am worried that my wife will be unhappy if she knows. Moreover, there is no need for anyone to admire it."

After he finished speaking, his face sank, and a cold breath swept over, making the girl not only tremble.

She believes that she has a good appearance and countless pursuers. How could Shen Yuan not see her at all?

When she reacted, Shen Yuan had already left with someone.

She only faintly heard Shen Yuan say: "Add eight bodyguards to me."

He didn't want something similar to happen again.

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