Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3837: Extra Sinking Heian (294)

Even if nothing really happened, Shen Yuan didn't want He Yixia to hear these messy things.

The girl suddenly felt a burst of grief and anger.

However, what made her even more sorrowful was still to come.

Soon, the school notified her that she did not need to participate in tonight's activities, especially the interview activities, and cancelled her place.

Anything related to Shen Yuan has nothing to do with her.

She didn't know until now that some men are not what she thought, as long as the other party is slightly attractive, he will accept it if he catches up.

They will only be loyal to their beloved, and will not be deceived by these foreign objects.

The Yingying Yanyan outside couldn't get into their eyes at all.

There are many things that girl doesn't know. Although Shen Yuan herself didn't say anything to her class and teacher, after the bodyguards conveyed these things in the past, the school would naturally take these things to heart.

If there are similar important events in the future, there shouldn't be anything wrong with her.

Invisibly, she cut off all her back paths.

These things happen more often, and He Yixia sometimes hears some discussions.

However, Shen Yuan gave her enough sense of security, and she never took these things too seriously.

After some women with ghosts hit the wall, outsiders finally saw Shen Yu'an's attitude clearly, knowing that it was impossible for him to work.

Gradually, everyone dispelled such thoughts and stopped thinking about Shen Yu'an.

However, the outside world began to talk about He Yixia never having children.

In the third year after Shen Yuan and He Yixia were married, Li Xueying, who was only married a little earlier than them, held the child in her hands.

Yi Xin, who got married later than them, was also pregnant.

The fact that He Yixia is not pregnant is a bit abrupt.

Those who are familiar with their husband and wife know that they have common work goals and ideals in life. The children's affairs are just not on the agenda.

But there were so many people staring at He Yixia's position, and the words became a little unbearable.

If it is awkward, it is said that their husband and wife have relationship problems, so they will not have children.

Even worse, he even said that He Yixia had physical problems, so she wanted but didn't want to have children.

Fortunately, Shen Yuan and He Yixia are usually busy, and it is not easy to hear the following gossip in their position, and these topics are only spread from the population below.

On that day, Shen Yuan had an important event.

In the activities, his expression remained calm and self-sufficient.

In handling things, he has always had this attitude, and he has become more and more like Shen Jingyu.

The people below remained vigilant and devoted themselves to the activity.

In front of Shen Yu'an, no one dared to fool anything.

With a calm eyebrow, he pointed at the content of the scene, occasionally a point of instruction, concise and concise, but hit the nail on the head.

Everyone is busy with the work that they dare not go out.

There was a trace of stagnation in the tense atmosphere.

Everyone is busy.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a slender and beautiful figure came out.

He Yixia and Shen Yuan agreed to have dinner together at the end of work. Her work ended ahead of schedule, so they came to have a look, and didn't intend to disturb Shen Yuan.

However, as soon as she sat down, Shen Yu'an's gaze moved over here, as if he had sensed her arrival.

He Yixia smiled at him and motioned to him to work on her own first.

Shen Yuan nodded to her and motioned for her to pass.

He Yixia had to get up and walk in his direction.

Everyone just felt that their eyes lit up, and a girl in the same uniform as everyone walked in front of them.

Obviously everyone wore the same clothes, but the clothes on her body seemed to be tailor-made and fit, which seemed to be her slim fit and outstanding temperament.

Everyone took a serious look, only to realize that the person here was Translator He.

This is not surprising. Her figure and face are recognized as having temperament. She is also the most famous beauty in the translation industry. The feeling of being able to wear her clothes out of the show is also expected.

Everyone watched her walk towards Shen Yu'an.

Then everyone saw that Shen Yuan's brows became gentle, and that rare gentleness quickly surfaced in his eyes, forcing away all the seriousness and coldness in his eyes.

Many staff members who have worked with Shen Yu'an for a long time discovered for the first time that Shen Yu'an is not always indifferent at all times, at least not now.

And his gentle appearance is really handsome.

"I won't disturb your work?" He Yixia asked in a low voice.

"No, mine is done, and the rest is waiting for them to complete." Shen Yuan said, letting her sit down beside her.

The two whispered to each other will not affect the work of others.

But everyone couldn't help but looked in their direction. The two were obviously just talking about homely things, but soon Shen Yu'an had a smile on his face, and looked at He Yixia dozingly, compared with just now. It's like a different person.

Someone took the work to report, and Shen Yuan returned to his previous seriousness, but his attitude was very gentle. He pointed out one or two omissions, and said warmly: "Just change this place."

Those who do report work are flattered.

Everyone knows that some rumors are true, for example, Shen Yuan really loves his wife and puts her on the cusp of heart.

And some rumors are obviously missed. For example, the two have never had children because of a bad relationship.

Sure enough, seeing is believing for many things.

After the event, Shen Yuan and He Yixia left hand in hand.

After leaving the house, Shen Yuan handed over the car to the special assistant because He Yixia drove over by herself.

After getting into her car, He Yixia casually mentioned: "Li Xueying changed to a new car and plans to invite us to dinner on the weekend."

"Okay. I'll make time for it."

"Her car is very beautiful. I heard it is a limited edition. I want to try it on the weekend." He Yixia was a little envious.

She doesn't really like more luxurious cars. For her, cars are just a means of transportation.

But it is the nature of every girl to like new and beautiful things. Seeing the photos sent by Li Xueying, she was quite eager to try.

In fact, there are many cars in Shen Yuan's garage, but most of them are low-key, and most of them are suitable for men to drive.

He Yixia is not interested in his cars.

In the middle of the meal, she kept mentioning the topic of cars, and Shen Yuan took advantage of the opportunity to find some pictures to let her see if she liked them.

He Yixia was very interested in one of the cars, but after watching it for a while, he didn't see it. It was a limited edition that was more noble than Li Xueying's.

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