Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3843: Emperor extra

After He Yixia became pregnant, Shen Yuan was more nervous than joy.

Not only stopped her work abroad, but also arranged many bodyguards for her at home, for fear that she would be harmed in any way because of her pregnancy.

In fact, He Yixia is in good health and feels very good about herself.

After pregnancy, she didn't feel anything, her lower abdomen was still flat, and she couldn't feel the baby.

Because it was discovered early, even the fetal heart rate has not been checked.

On this day, it was almost time for pregnancy. He Yixia followed the doctor's instructions and went to the hospital for further examination.

She woke up early, and when she woke up, she found that there was no longer Shen Yu'an on the bed, and only a slight coolness remained in the bed.

She packed up and went to the living room, only to find that Shen Yuan was on the phone.

The servant on the side is packing up things.

Seeing He Yixia, Shen Yuan quickly ended the call and stood up: "Why didn't you sleep more?"

"Aren't you?"

"I have arranged work to spare today. Then I will accompany you to the hospital."

He Yixia subconsciously placed her hands on her lower abdomen.

A smile appeared on her face.

After breakfast, the two went to the specially reserved hospital.

"Yixia, come here quickly." Gu Yunchen greeted He Yixia.

"Uncle Gu." He Yixia stepped forward to say hello.

Gu Yunchen is from the generation of Shen Yu'an's father, but his personality hasn't become rigid as he grows older. On the contrary, he is the same as when he was young.

Not as stable as the young Shen Yu'an.

Today, Shen Yuan specially invited him to check He Yixia.

In fact, He Yixia is very embarrassed. Gu Yunchen is already a member of the National Academy of Medicine. He is highly respected and handles a lot of things every day.

He has long since dealt with ordinary things and no longer receives patients alone.

But for the sake of safety, Shen Yuan specially invited him to inspect He Yixia.

"I really trouble you, Uncle Gu." He Yixia said blushing.

"What's the matter. I can understand Yu'an's mood too well, everyone came here like this." Gu Yunchen said with a smile, arranging for his subordinates and starting to check He Yixia.

And he guided from the side.

In fact, the first pregnancy check is a very simple matter, and there is no need for such a big fanfare.

He Yixia was lying on the bed in the examination room, watching everyone busy for themselves, and a trace of tension arose in her heart.

I don’t know if the child is healthy or not.

As he was thinking, his fingers warmed and Shen Yu'an held his hand.

"It's okay, don't worry." His voice was low and sweet.

"Yeah." He Yixia nodded.

The examination was very fast. When the instrument was placed on He Yixia's lower abdomen, a powerful heartbeat came.

【I started to write about the extravaganza again. Although it started with Shen Yu'an, I won't write too much about him and He Yixia, mainly He Xiasheng. I don’t know if you still remember He Xiasheng. He is the eldest son of He Yiming and Ye Shu. He had been growing up in an orphanage before and he returned to his parents when he was several years old.

Therefore, when he grows up, he has always been a man with a gloomy background in his temperament, although his appearance is normal.

This time the story will also be interspersed with the stories of other children of his generation after they grew up, such as the sons of Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi, and the children of Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu. 】

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