Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3844: Emperor extra

Realizing that it was the baby's heartbeat, He Yixia showed a surprised and happy smile on her face.

"Yuan, listen." She pinched his fingers hard, subconsciously increasing her strength.

Shen Yuan also heard it.

This feeling is very novel and very pleasant.

Gu Yunchen smiled and said, "No problem, everything is very good this time, and the fetal heart rate is also very strong. Just go back and take care of it."

"Thank you, Uncle Gu." He Yixia nodded gently.

Previously, there was no concept of pregnancy. Now it is really amazing to hear the fetus in person and know how the baby feels in the belly.

This also gave He Yixia the feeling of being a mommy.

When I walked out of the hospital, I felt that the sky was exceptionally clear, and the gentle wind was blowing on my face, fresh and comfortable.

Shen Yu'an was by her side, and the corners of his lips inevitably rose as he watched her smile.

There was a ringing of telephone.

Shen Yuan glanced around and saw that it was Chu Xiuping, and then picked it up.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, I heard that there is no problem in your inspection, they all want to come and celebrate for you."

"Which of them?"

Shen Yu'an frowned.

"It's Brother Xia Sheng, and Chu Shichen. Don't everyone care about your situation?"

Seeing Shen Yuan frowning again, He Yixia took his hand first: "Everyone is kind, don't refuse everyone."

Shen Yuan said to the phone: "Then you can arrange it."

"Good!" Chu Xiuping immediately responded.

Shen Yuan looked a little deep.

"Are you worried that there will be problems when I go to the party? Look at me, it's great!"

As He Yixia said, she also made a jump.

When it fell, he didn't stand firm and almost fell.

Fortunately, Shen Yu'an quickly hugged her with eyes and hands, and she settled in his arms without any major problems.

Shen Yuan's expression changed.

He Yixia stuck out her tongue.

"That's not allowed." Shen Yu'an said lowly.

"No, Uncle Gu said, now the child is only the size of a soybean, with my body guarding it, so it won't hurt him easily."

"I am not worried about him, I am worried about you."

He Yixia pursed her lips and smiled: "I see, husband."

"Chu Xiuping's big mouth, tell him not to talk about your pregnancy."

He Yixia stared at Shen Yuan's eyes.

Shen Yuan asked: "What do you do?"

"Think about it, where is he talking nonsense?" He Yixia blinked, "You arranged for me a battle of the size of a bodyguard, and you didn't allow outsiders to guess? From the first day when you arranged this for me , Yi Xin and the others kept coming to ask me."

Shen Yuan didn't speak, and shook her hand: "That's also to blame him."

"It's been a long time since I saw you all. It would be nice to take this opportunity to meet together."

Chu Xiuping has arranged a place.

Because He Yixia is pregnant, it is not easy to go to the noisy places such as bars, so I specially chose a clear bar.

The huge box can accommodate dozens of people.

However, the number of people at the gathering tonight is really high.

There are already many people in this big family.

Shen Yuan is four siblings.

Gu Yunchen has two sons, He Yiming's two sons, Shen Muhan's three children, Chu Zhuohang's two, and Lan Feng's one. There are more than a dozen people.

With some other friends, the box is just enough.

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