Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3885: Emperor extra

"Miss Qiao may not be in good health. Should I give her more time to rest and use less work to suppress her?"

Han Dong knew that he had said this too boldly.

But don't say no.

He couldn't get past the barrier of his conscience.

Let's just say this afternoon, Mr. He left Miss Qiao all afternoon.

Looking at the situation yesterday, it seems that Miss Qiao still went to the construction site to work all day.

How can we go on like this?

"You seem to work a little bit recently?" He Xiasheng looked at Han Dong coldly.

Han Dong winced: "It's a lot, I'm going to work first."

He Xiasheng squeezed his eyebrows. Did he let Qiao Jin go to work on weekends?

He just didn't want her to spend the weekend with other men.

Who knew that she would really go to the construction site relentlessly.

Qiao Jin went back downstairs.

Chi Hua saw her face a little ugly.

"Is it all right?"

"It's okay, it's just a bit of heat stroke yesterday. I brought medicine in my bag and just take a little.

Chi Hua was relieved: "I'll drive you back after get off work."

"Ms. Chi, I asked a friend to eat nearby, so I won't bother you."

Chi Hua didn't insist anymore.

Fan Mingqi originally planned to send Qiao Jin away. Hearing her talk about having dinner with a friend, he asked, "What friend, do you want me to send you there?"

"No need, and family together."

Fan Mingqi also understood her refusal and didn't say more.

After everyone else left, Qiao Jin went downstairs.

Seeing He Xiasheng's car parked outside, it goes without saying that they were all waiting for her.

He Xiasheng has a particularly bad temper, but he has always had nothing to say about his family's attitude.

Qiao Jin understood that if it were not for the inability to explain to the elderly in the family, he might not be tied to himself.

Torture of oneself is one aspect, and to appease the emotions of the elderly is another aspect.

This man, whose interests are paramount, always knows how to maximize the value of people and things.

Qiao Jin got in the car and said, "Stop when passing the mall. I want to buy something."

"Let Han Dong have already bought it."

"I bought it differently."

"Here are blood pressure teas for grandparents, cashmere scarves from abroad, red wine for dad, new skin care products for mom. There are even Xingjian."

It is not thoughtless.

No matter how Qiao Jin persists, there is really no need for it.

She didn't speak any more, thinking about how to explain the divorce to her grandma for a while.

I don't know if He Xiasheng said he did not.

What if grandma persuades?

The divorce was indeed arrogant, but Qiao Jin never regretted it.

Divorce can give her a small one, which can never be regretted.

"What did you say to your grandparents?" Qiao Jin asked.

"What do you say?"

Seeing him pretending to be stupid, Qiao Jin had no desire to speak, so she didn't say anything at all.

When the car arrived at the door, He Xiasheng said flatly: "You will know when you enter."

Qiao Jin doesn't know anything, but he knows that the He family has always been the best to get along with, and outsiders often say that it's hard to say what it's like to be under the fence.

But Qiao Jin had never felt this way.

For her, this is home.

She is not afraid that they will beat her and scold her, but she is especially afraid that they will be disappointed because of her.

With this thought, the car has stopped into the parking space.

She followed He Xiasheng towards the position of the hall.

After a few years, nothing has changed.

The butler saw her and smiled in surprise: "Yo, Xiao Qiao! I'm not dazzled, is it really you?"

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