Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3886: Emperor extra

"Uncle He!" Qiao Jin greeted him.

Butler He’s eyes were a little moist: "Xiao Qiao, you finally came back. The eldest master said that you went to study abroad, busy outside and heavy schoolwork, so there was no time to go home. The whole family missed you too much. Your studies, Is it finally over?"

Qiao Jin didn't expect He Xiasheng to explain to her family like this.

Maybe there is only the younger generation now. After guessing what is going on with the two, the other elders are kept in the dark.

"Come in quickly, Xiao Qiao." Steward He greeted her inside.

A few years later, everything is still the same.

When Lan Xi heard that Qiao Jin came back, she greeted her from the inside and hugged her shoulders. He was very excited: "You child, you are really unfilial. If you study abroad, you can study abroad. It's been a few years, so I won't come back. . How hard is it to buy a ticket?"

Standing on the side was He Xiasheng's grandfather Chu Zhiwen. His surname was He, but later changed his mother's surname to Chu due to some changes, but he didn't change it again.

Qiao Jin couldn't help crying when Lan Xi was crying and laughing. "Grandma, I blamed me for not being filial and didn't come back to see you."

"Never mind this time, grandma doesn't care about you. But there is no next time."

"There won't be another time."

"I don't dare to have another time." Lan Xi said emotionally, "the next time, you have to say whether you can see your grandma."

"No, no," Qiao Jin whispered, holding Lan Xi's hand tightly.

"Sister Xiao Qiao!" He Xingjian jumped out from nowhere.

Seeing the situation in front of him, he was a little bit stunned, but he quickly came back to his senses. The divorce between his eldest brother and Xiao Qiao was clear to the people of his generation.

But the elders in the family are kept in the dark.

Where dare to mention it.

He stepped forward and hugged Qiao Jin: "Sister Xiao Qiao, you are really back. You won't go anymore?"

What he asked was more meaningful than what Lan Xi asked.

As a younger brother who has witnessed the relationship between two people since childhood, He Xingjian is eager for them better than anyone else.

Qiao Jin didn't know how to answer his question.

He Xingjian realized that he had been holding Qiao Jin for too long until he felt the chill behind him.

Sure enough, I saw He Xiasheng standing aside with condensed eyes.

He couldn't help but slander in his heart, why do you care about Sister Xiao Qiao, why are you still getting divorced with her?

"Xiao Qiao, come and take a look at mom." Ye Shu walked over.

Why is Xia Sheng's mother, Ye Shu is not at all age, but because of her age, she has a calm temperament.

Her gestures were elegant and gentle. Qiao Jin remembered that when she was young, she was lively and outgoing, and she became friends with a few children, always taking everyone to run wild and play.

The most difficult time when Qiao Jin lost her parents was also when Ye Shu took her around for fun, and then gradually pulled her out.

For Ye Shu, Qiao Jin treated her more as a good friend of the same age than her as a mother.

"I'll just say that foreign food doesn't support people. Xia Sheng still refuses to listen. You see that you have lost a lot of weight." Ye Shu said, his nature was still very obvious, and his outward elegance and gentleness were also affected The mother and daughter really got along.

"Mom, I'm eating well outside. It's you who don't want me to lose weight, so you think I'm thinner because I'm a little thinner."

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