Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3928: Emperor extra

It's really hard for Ye Shu. As soon as Qiao Jin left, Ye Shu kept properly handling what she left behind.

"If the two cars are switched on, there is no need to worry about the restriction." He Xingjian handed her two sets of keys, "This is a spare key."

Qiao Jin accepted it.

"When will you move?"

"Are we moving?" Xiaoda was surprised.

"Does Xiaoyi want to live in a new house? A big and beautiful house."

Nodded slightly, then shook his head immediately.

"What's wrong?" He Xingjian asked.

"I want to live in a beautiful new house, but what I want most is to live with Mommy. A house with Mommy is the best!"

He Xingjian squeezed the tip of his nose: "Well said, so it must be you and your mom who moved together. Is it possible to let you move alone?"

Xiao Yi giggled.

At night, when Xiaoyi fell asleep, Qiao Jin sent He Xingjian to the door.

"Go back, sister, don't give it away."

"Well, pay attention to your safety on the road. Also, remember to thank mom and grandma for me."

"Remember it all. When you are ready, I will find a weekend to help you move."

After He Xingjian left, Qiao Jin closed the door and stood with her back leaning against the door for a long time before going to Primary One's room.


The building designed by Qiao Jin started soon.

As the chief designer, she changed into coarse cloth, put on a safety helmet, and went directly to the construction site.

Her position does not require her to be on the construction site every day, but many key points of the project require her to work together.

The sun was very high, and the construction site was stuffy, hot and dusty.

"Designer Joe, you go back first. I will report to you for some work." The person in charge of the contractor sees her charmingly. How can I survive this kind of sun?

"It's okay, I'll go back when it's done here."

"Well, the project here, would you like to take a look?"

"Okay. I suggest this place..." Qiao Jin took out the drawing and said, "If this is inconvenient, you guys tell me that I will coordinate some of the design of this place."

"Okay, designer Joe."

Qiao Jin has been here for a week.

Except for the construction workers, she is the one who has never shouted hard.

Some of the male employees who sit in the office find it hard to come here more, and they want to hide behind and blow the air conditioner.

Qiao Jin also clenched her teeth and persevered.


After knowing the existence of Xiaoyi, He Xiasheng has been depressed for several days.

Han Dong followed him every day, looking at the obvious Wu Qing right now, trembling not to say a word.

"Han Dong, take a look at the arrangements for my next work."

Han Dong immediately took out the tablet, "There is an industry conference at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and you need to give a speech on the spot, a project meeting at 3 o'clock, and a dinner with the Urban Construction Bureau at 5:30."

"Add a board meeting at four o'clock."

Han Dong was a little embarrassed, "Mr. He, you have not rested for a long time, this board meeting..."

He Xiasheng has worked continuously for several days, and the schedule is already very tight. If it is added, Han Dong is afraid that he will not be able to bear it.



Han Dong had to answer all of them and temporarily add this job.

"Mr. He, the car has been arranged and you can go to the industry meeting location."

He Xiasheng stood up, picked up his jacket and went out.

When the car was halfway through, Han Dong suddenly received an emergency call.

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