Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3929: Emperor extra

"Then you deal with it first, we will arrange for someone to come over to coordinate." Han Dong said to the other end of the phone.

After closing this call, Han Dong immediately dialed other calls.

He Xiasheng raised his eyes from looking at the information and asked, "What's the matter?"

"On the new construction site, something happened between the workers. Because I was afraid of the trouble, the person in charge called me and asked more people to coordinate."

Workers’ issues have always been a major issue, and they have received more attention than other issues.

Han Dong didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

He made a few calls soon.

He Xiasheng heard him finish the call and asked, "That building designed by Qiao Jin?"

"Yes. I was about to say to make a phone call and ask if Miss Qiao is on the spot."

"She is at the scene." He Xiasheng's tone was determined, "Turn around and go over there."

The driver immediately turned around obediently and hurried over there.

Dong Han reminded him: "Mr. He, industry meetings are more important. I have arranged a lot of people to go there, and Miss Qiao should be fine."

He Xiasheng didn't speak, his jaw line was tight.

Han Dong didn't say any more.

But, he was surprised, how could He Xiasheng be so sure that Qiao Jin was there?

Didn't he ask him to inquire about Qiao Jin's movements?

He Xiasheng's car quickly entered the construction site.

I heard the noise coming from there from a distance, and dozens of people gathered together, clamoring for something.

The staff kept rushing over.

Seeing this scene, Han Dong couldn't help but murmur secretly. There are many workers on the construction site and they are heavy. When the weather is hot, everyone is angry and conflicts are the easiest.

The little things are fine, the most feared is that there will be injuries to people, and the impact of going out is extremely bad.

As soon as he got out of the car, he arranged for people around him: "Look at where Designer Qiao is, Qiao Jin, the matchmaker for Mingxi Design."

"Over there, in the workers' pile." Someone pointed towards the other side.

He Xiasheng's footsteps have already strode towards that side.

"Mr. He!" Han Dong also hurriedly followed in his footsteps.

"It's not good, someone is injured!"

"Designer Joe, are you okay?"

Before He Xiasheng walked in, someone over there was already helping Qiao Jin to walk out.

She was coming out clutching her forehead.

Seeing someone injured, the noisy people also stopped, and the scene was quiet a lot for a while.

"Mr. He!" The person in charge was supporting Qiao Jin. When he saw He Xiasheng, his face was immediately solemn, "The matter here has been resolved almost, I will report to you immediately."

He also didn't expect that the incident would disturb He Xiasheng, and it seemed that the matter was really making a big deal.

He Xiasheng stretched out and took Qiao Jin's hand.

Qiao Jin was also tired, and didn't resist, let him hold it.

The person in charge was taken aback, realized something, and quickly let go of the hand holding Qiao Jin.

He Xiasheng grabbed Qiao Jin and strode towards the car.

The person in charge asked Han Dong with his eyes.

Where did Han Dong have time to explain to him, he immediately followed.

There was bloodshot on Qiao Jin's forehead, and she was holding it with one hand, and the injury was not serious.

But after staying in the scorching sun for a long time, she was dizzy and didn't want to say or do anything, being held by He Xiasheng, and she did not resist.

Let him carry himself into the car.

"Go to the hospital right away!" He Xiasheng's tone was quick and quick.

The car arrived at the hospital.

"It's just a little bit of abrasion, and slight heat stroke. It's nothing serious." The doctor said after a brief examination.

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