Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 398: Then you are welcome... to our wedding

Ye Shu really regretted, and promised Ye Qing to come to see her today.

I regret bringing He Ning with me.

It would be nice if there was nothing like this.

Although she doesn't know how things are going, she can also guess one or two.

Ye Shu couldn't help but look at He Ning's face. Seeing her trying her best to bear with her, he felt distressed and blamed herself.

He Ning's heart was stabbed by a needle, and the pain instantly dissipated into the limbs and the bones and blood.

Although I have long been in communion with Shen Jingyu in my heart, trusting each other, will not regenerate doubts.

But she couldn't help thinking about the scene before her.

More importantly, Shen Jingyu never mentioned He Peishan to her.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, he deliberately concealed the fact that he knew He Peishan.

However, He Peishan knew himself.

This alone is enough to give people a thorn in their hearts.

He Peishan stood up, still smiling.

Because of her sickness and the absence of sunlight for many years, her skin is very white and transparent. You can see the whiteness of the blood vessels, which is a bit oozing.

She smiled and said, "Looking at Miss He's appearance, Brother Yu probably didn't mention me to you?"

A special sword stabs He Ning's heart at the least resistant place.

He Ning's throat choked, her expression returned to her naturalness, and she said, "Jingyu always doesn't like to tell me these little things, for fear that I will be worried. So I really don't know your existence."

"The people around him have never mentioned you to me. Maybe everyone thinks... it's unnecessary."

He Ning's counterattack was very powerful.

An unhealthy red appeared on He Peishan's penetrating white skin: "Do you think it's because of this?"

"Of course!" Shen Jingyu's long and narrow phoenix eyes appeared in front of He Ning's eyes. She didn't need to give up trust in him just because of a few words from others.

Although deep in my heart, the feeling of acupuncture is still deep into my bone marrow.

He Ning smiled and said: "After all, there are many things, knowing it will only hurt your mind. If you don't know it, you can live safely, right?"

He Peishan held his palm tightly, the look on his face became more and more ugly, and he blurted out sarcastically: "Do you think Brother Yu really likes a woman like you who is not the right one? Do you think the Shen family will really accept you? Brother Yu is just playing around!"

He Ning looked at her seriously: "You are welcome to come...to our wedding. Of course, if you can't come due to illness, we can also send you a videotape."

Compared with He Ning's self-confidence and calmness, He Peishan's heart is not as calm as it was just now.

The previous pride has also disappeared, yes, even if He Ning looks a little like her, it doesn't explain any problems.

She knew in her heart how resolute and ruthless Shen Jingyu's words of refusal were.

She had hated enough for him to say he wanted to heal her, but he wouldn't be with her kind of nonsense!

Shen Jingyu gave He Ning something, but he had never given it to her!

Give He Ning a complete wedding, bring He Ning to the world, publicly acknowledge her identity, and declare her existence to the world!

All of this is something He Peishan will never get.

He Peishan's eyes were red, and his heart was dripping with blood.

She clutched the position of her chest, faltering.

Ye Qing hurriedly helped her: "Miss He, are you okay? Sit down quickly."

[The author has something to say: It will be sweet after torture, and the sweetness of sugar cane will be behind. Eat a candy I fed and open your mouth~]

[In addition, the book will be released around December 21st, and at least 50 chapters will be updated on the day it is released. In the past few days, I will ask the company for two days off and concentrate on codewords at home. If there are too many codes, I will update 100 chapters or more at a time. After it's on the shelves, at least 8 chapters will be updated every day, and then everyone will look much more relaxed. The author's code is not easy. Each chapter only costs five cents. I also hope that the little angels will give a lot of support and bow. 】

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