Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 399: Can never be you

She angrily said to He Ning: "He Ning, you are too much! Shanshan is not in good health, how can you stimulate her like this?"

He Ning said calmly: "I don't know what she is sick with, let alone target her deliberately."

"I just fully explained the facts she misrepresented."

"Isn't it you who decided to meet today?"

Ye Qing was speechless.

Ye Shu also helped He Ning and said, "You are the one who decided this place. You are the one who made the rude words. Why, do you want to rely on He Ning now?"

Ye Qing was very angry. She asked Ye Shu to come over because of He Yiming's business.

It was for Ye Shu to quit early.

Where did they think that before they had time to say, they were already arguing about Shen Jingyu.

He Peishan saw Ye Shu speak loudly and glanced at her: "Ye Shu, so are you. Don't think that if you seduce my elder brother, my eldest brother will be attracted to you. Ye Qing has always liked people my elder brother has always liked."

"You'd better stop as soon as possible!"

"My sister-in-law, it can never be you!"

Ye Qing looked at Ye Shu somewhat proudly.

This is her ultimate goal.

He Peishan finally helped her clarify.

Ye Shu smiled at the corners of his lips: "Really? So what if I just want to grab it? You called us here today to teach us how to teach us?"

"Why don't you bother with the men you think are good? It's so funny!"

"Let's see if I can pack your General He up and down!"

Hearing Ye Shu's words like this, Ye Qing said in a breath: "Ye Shu, you need to nod your face!"

"I only need a face when I talk to a person who wants a face; what kind of face do I need to talk to a shameless person?" Ye Shu retorted sharply.

He Peishan became more and more angry, and gasped non-stop: "The He family... definitely not... you can enter if you want to!"

"Slightly, I will enter if I want to enter, and I won't enter if I don't want to enter. The He family is not yours alone, you hit me?" Ye Shu's personality is stronger, and he doesn't give in at all.

He Peishan had expected this a long time ago, and there were not many bodyguards around her.

It's just that she only prepared to clean up Ye Shu today, and it happened that He Ning was also here, so she cleaned up together.

She yelled: "Come here, take these two women down with me! Give me a lesson!"

Today she is so angry that no one has dared to be so angry at her for so many years!

Especially on the He family's site!

Immediately, the bodyguard came over and walked towards Ye Shu and Hening.

Ye Qing finally showed a smug smile, dare to steal a man from her? Ye Shu is a bit too tender.

Ye Shu said angrily: "What are you going to do?"

"The shameless woman just owes it to you." Ye Qing said in place of He Peishan, "I just teach you a lesson!"

"No wonder you are all poor creatures that no man wants! Vicious and stupid, deserve it!" Ye Shu cursed, standing with He Ning, "I want to see if Jingyuan is a place without a king's law. ."

He Peishan gave the bodyguards a face and motioned them to continue.

He Jia can manage half of Jingyuan's Wang Fa.

Even if the eldest brother comes, he will stand on his side.

She is not afraid at all.

Ye Qing was even more proud, and the fox stood in front of them and shouted.

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