Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 400: I'll fight for you

The tall and majestic bodyguard walked towards Ye Shu and Hening, and stretched out a large palm full of muscles and grabbed them towards them.

He Ning couldn't help but screamed.

She also brought her bodyguard, and when she heard the sound, the bodyguard rushed over to separate the bodyguard of the He family.

Seeing this, He Peishan shouted, "Don't you hurry up?"

"Miss, this is San Ye's person..." The bodyguard flinched a little.

"I don't care whoever he cares!" He Peishan was a little hysterical.

The bodyguards gathered again. There were many people in the He family. He Ning only brought two bodyguards. It seemed that they weren't their opponents at all.

Ye Shu was a little nervous, clutching He Ning's sleeves: "He Ning, you run first, I'll break it!"

"No, let's go together!" How could He Ning leave her friends alone?

"You are not in good health..." Ye Shu said.

He Ning's heart tensed, and he held Ye Shu tightly. Even if something happened, she couldn't leave her behind. If you want to leave, let's go together!

"Hurry up!" He Peishan issued the order again.

Her bodyguards came towards He Ning and Ye Shu. Although He Ning's two bodyguards were very skilled, after all, there were few people, and they soon fell into trouble.

The rest of them stretched out their hands and grabbed He Ning and Ye Shu.

With their hands behind them, He Ning and Ye Shu struggled.

He Peishan walked towards them, sneered, and said, "You two, since they are here, you should also know what will provoke me!"

"Only with you two, small families, I will sell you to those old men at any time!"

"It just so happens that these bodyguards are also hungry and thirsty. Do you want to taste them?"

He Ning and Ye Shu flushed flushed, and "pooh" together.

For He Peishan's mannerism, I only feel vicious and disgusting.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Shanshan, why don't I give them a few slaps first, let me vent my anger first."

He Peishan raised his hand, Ye Qing wanted to please her: "Shanshan, don't hit, you hurt your hand. I'll fight for you."

"He Peishan, Ye Qing, you will regret it! Your He family will definitely pay for it!" Ye Shu and Hening glared at them.

He Peishan was scolded, furious, and raised his hand, slapped Ye Shu's face with a slap.

At this moment, a tall figure walked quickly in front of He Peishan and grabbed her hand.

She turned her head and saw He Yiming, shocked: "Big Brother!"

"What are you doing?" He Yiming's voice was harsher than ever.

He has never said to He Peishan like this.

He Peishan jumped fiercely in his heart, and then became aggrieved: "Big Brother!"

She cried mournfully and threw herself into He Yiming's arms: "Big Brother, He Ning and Ye Shu are too much!"

"They bullied me and they bullied me here! Brother, you have to be the master for me!"

Ye Qing also said hurriedly: "Yi Ming, they are indeed too much, they even came here to scold Shanshan. Let Shanshan become sick! You don't have to come and take care of it!"

Obviously, just now, she was the one who tried to beat Ye Shu and Hening.

Obviously now, the bodyguards are still holding Ye Shu and He Ning.

However, she was the one who complained first.

He Yiming's sword eyebrows raised fiercely.

However, thinking of He Peishan's condition, he temporarily endured and said, "Don't let them go?"

The bodyguard hurriedly let go of He Ning and Ye Shu, they rubbed their wrists, and they were also angry.

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