Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 401: Don't pretend to be a good person

Especially Ye Shu, now seeing He Yiming's face, he felt disgust.

There are really no good people in the He family!

He Yiming stroked He Peishan's shoulder and patted her to help her smoothly: "I have called the doctor to come over, you bear it."

"I don't want to bear it. Brother, they are all bullying me!" He Peishan said grievously, "Do you really care?"

He Yiming glanced at Ye Shu and He Ning, Ye Shu gave a cold smile: "Heh, the acting is really good. I knew that I should bring a little golden man to give it to you!"

"Well, Shanshan, you go to bed and rest first." He Yiming said softly.

"No, I feel uncomfortable in my heart, I feel so uncomfortable all over my body..." He Peishan pulled He Yiming and refused to let it go.

The eldest brother is the person who loves her most, and she must guard her closely, and can't give Ye Shu and the others any chance.

So her hand, holding He Yiming's clothes, didn't let go at all.

Ye Qing also added fuel and jealousy to the side: "Shan Shan was a little bit angry just now, and now I am afraid that my heart rhythm is irregular, Yi Chong, you have to accompany her."

"Yes, big brother, I'm afraid I will get sick soon. My heart hurts, and here, here..." He Peishan pointed to his heart, stomach, and kidneys.

He Yiming frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, his attitude was still a bit patient.

Ye Shu narrowed his mouth: "That's right, she is uncomfortable everywhere, she made it clear that she wants you to accompany. You will accompany you. He Ning, let's go!"

Ye Shu took He Ning and walked out.

"Ye Shu!" He Yiming whispered her name.

Ye Shu pretended not to hear, and took a big step and walked out with He Ning.

He Yiming carried He Peishan onto the bed and said in a low voice, "You should rest first."

After speaking, straighten up, turn around and leave.

"Big Brother, Big Brother!" He Peishan shouted several times, but He Yiming walked out without looking back.

Not to mention He Peishan, even Ye Qing was so angry.

They could only watch He Yiming walk out.

He Ning and Ye Shu got into a car, but He Yiming's people refused to let the car leave.

To make it clear, He Yiming still came to find them.

Ye Shu was so angry: "What is wrong with this family? Isn't it too bad to not enter the entertainment industry?"

As he was talking, there was the sound of running in unison.

A team of black-clothed bodyguards rushed over here, directly towards He Ning and Ye Shu.

Ye Shu was angry and worried: "The He family is really deceiving people too much! What do you want to do with us?"

Just finished speaking, the black bodyguard stepped aside, and He Yiming's tall figure appeared more and more, walking towards this side.

Ye Shu couldn't help getting even more angry: "He Yiming, are you here to help your sister teach me?"

"Are you all right?" He Yiming asked.

He tilted his head, and someone brought two bottles of medicated oil and handed them to Ye Shu and He Ning.

Ye Shu slapped things to the ground: "No. Don't pretend to be good people. I know your family can't provoke them, and I won't provoke them, okay?"

"Shanshan she..." He Yiming wanted to explain.

Ye Shu shook his head: "I don't want to hear this name. Let me go with Hening."

"Ye Shu, can you say a few words?"

"Now you can still talk. I'm afraid Shen Jingyu will come over for a while, and you won't be able to talk." Ye Shuyi pointed, she pointed to He Ning's red and swollen wrist, "I want to know now, how do you treat that third person? Lord confess?"

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