Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 405: Is here to support He Ning

Of course, no one would tell her who was the cause of the incident.

The nurse told her that it was He Ning and Ye Shu who took the initiative to go to the ward, and had a dispute with He Peishan, and He Peishan became ill with anger.

Where is Birong He willing to do it?

She didn't dare to call Shen Jingyu, but that didn't mean she didn't dare to call He Ning.

"He Ning, don't think that our He family is a bully! Shanshan is not in good health, you still bring people to make trouble! You must apologize!"

He Ning sneered: "I don't have to explain to you who is and who is not. But I apologize, I definitely don't say it!"

"You!" He Birong sneered, "He Ning, things won't go so easily!"

"Then I am waiting for you!" He Ning hung up the phone.

The old lady Shen asked with concern: "Who called, He Ning?"

"It should be He Birong, He Peishan's aunt." He Ning felt that there was no need to hide from the old lady Shen.

"What did she call you for?" The old lady Shen still didn't know what happened to them and He Peishan.

She only heard that He Ning came to work in Jingyuan today.

He Ning told the old lady Shen the matter as it was.

"It's too much!" When the old lady Shen heard it, she immediately said, "He Ning, come with me to visit Ho's house!"

He Ning and Ye Shu stood up at the same time and looked at each other. He Ning said, "Grandma, it is not my fault. I can never apologize to them! Even if it is to maintain the friendship between the Shen family and the He family, I don’t agree!"

Ye Shu nodded hurriedly: "We did nothing wrong, we don't apologize."

"Who do you think of my old lady? Nothing is wrong, we are still afraid that their family will not succeed?" Old lady Shen snorted.

Knowing that he had misunderstood her, He Ning hurriedly said: "Grandma, I'm sorry, I don't know..."

"That He Peishan didn't make things happen once or twice." The old lady Shen was dissatisfied that she always dragged Shen Jingyu, so that everyone in the world felt that Shen Jingyu owed her.

"I'll change my clothes and go right away!" The old lady Shen changed her clothes, dragged He Ning and Ye Shu, and went straight to He's house.

When he arrived at the He's house, He Birong and Mrs. He were drinking tea in the living room, and she was startled when she saw Mrs. Shen coming with He Ning aggressively.

He Birong stood up and said with a smile: "Why did the old lady come in person? Don't let anyone say anything first, so we can send a car to pick it up."

"What to pick up, it's not that you don't know the way." The old lady Shen took He Ning and walked over.

He Birong's face sank slightly.

However, she did not speak immediately, but glanced at Mrs. He.

Then she said: "Come here, don't you hurry up and pour tea for the old lady?"

He Birong never thought she would come.

She wanted to call in He Ning to give a good lesson.

I don't know whether the purpose of the old lady Shen's coming is to help He Peishan or He Ning, so He Birong is not quite sure for a while.

Old lady Shen sat down and said, "I heard that someone wants He Ning to apologize?"

He Birong smiled softly, but her attitude was very firm: "Old lady, Shanshan lives in the ward, and it's not easy to provoke her. But someone went to the ward personally and made her sick. I think, I asked He Ning to ask An apology, isn't it excessive?"

"Are you sure it is Shanshan who He Ning took the initiative to come to the house to get angry?" Old lady Shen asked majesticly.

At this point, He Birong could almost guess the intention of the old lady Shen, she came to support He Ning.

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