Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 406: Slander as you like

How can He Ning and He De be able to get the support and love of Shen's parents?

Thinking of this, He Birong's tone became serious: "Everyone in the city knows Shanshan's physical condition. There are also so many doctors and nurses who testify, and He Ning took the initiative to come. Can I still lie?"

When He Birong talked about this, she looked at He Ning with a stern attitude: "He Ning, you have already got what you want, can't you let Shanshan go and let her recover from illness?"

"Miss He asked someone to ask us to go there by herself." He Ning said neither humble nor arrogant. "Before this, I didn't even know her existence. If General He didn't arrive, Miss He would even beat us."

"So, it is not us who should apologize. It is Miss He Peishan He!"

"You're bloody!" He Birong didn't believe He Ning's words at all.

He Ning looked at her coldly: "It's up to you to slander. Anyway, we will call the police."

"Dare you!" He Birong scolded immediately.

"This is not a question of dare to dare, our personal safety has been violated, of course we have to report to the police!" He Ning was calm.

The old lady Shen said: "Before the matter was clarified, I asked my grandson and daughter-in-law to come over and apologize to you. Are you too disregarding the friendship between the Shen family and the He family?"

"Since you also said that you didn't figure it out, the old lady must feel that Shanshan is the one who made the mistake?" He Birong asked rhetorically.

"I don't know what I haven't figured out, so I don't want to make a conclusion casually. But you, let He Ning apologize if you haven't figured it out, isn't it, it's a bit too subjective?"

He Birong's voice choked.

Old lady He smiled and said, "Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, don't make a ugly face because of a trivial matter. Old sister, Bi Rong is too distressed, so she makes an anxious judgment. I can't say who is to whom. wrong."

He Birong also slowed down: "Old lady, I was too anxious, so I didn't think about it for a while. It's really my fault."

He Birong lowered her posture because of the loss.

"If this is the case, then you should check it out. We will reconsider who is right and who is wrong. I won't bother." The old lady Shen stood up and took He Ning's hand and went out.

Ye Shu made a face to He Birong and immediately followed out.

He Birong was so angry that he stretched out his hand and brushed the teacup on the table to the ground.

"Well, you are too anxious about this matter. Anyway, He Ning is also the wife that Jing Yuming is married to, so how can we teach it casually?" Mrs. He said.

"Shanshan became ill. The people of the Shen family did not say a word of greetings. On the contrary, they were so aggressive. What do they look like? What do they say about the He family and the Shen family. Now it seems that they are not as good as an outsider!" He Birong was angry. Almost crushed his teeth.

Old Mrs. He was not very angry, but said: "Both the He family and the Shen family hold great power. Others are afraid that our two families will unite and it will be detrimental to the presidential palace."

"Mrs. Shen made such a fuss, but it reassures the outsiders that we know that our two families will not unite in power."

"She knows the best, so why don't you take the opportunity to show it to outsiders? It's good for you, and you get angry at first."

He Birong recalled and said, "Mom, what you said is right. So if Shanshan really gets better in the future, can't you marry Jingyu?"

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