Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 433: Personally cut He Ning's body

But fortunately, Steward Luo also has retired personnel from the army. It is not difficult to get into the hotel.

What's more, He Birong will definitely arrange for people to do internal responses.

With the relationship between the He family and the Shen family, the security of the Shen family would not be too guarded against the people of the He family.

The resistance is not too big.

When Steward Luo got the news, he acted immediately.

He Birong walked to He Peishan's bed and shook her hand and said, "Shanshan, don't worry too much."

"The person who provided you with the spinal cord is almost better now."

"Tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow, we can use her to operate on you."

"Replace all the exhausted organs in your body with hers. According to the plan I planned before, it will not be difficult for your body to heal."

"I have been preparing for this operation for a long time, even if you don't need Gu Yunchen, I can do it for you."

He Peishan was overjoyed when he heard these words.

She didn't dare to ask whether the person who was going to provide her spinal cord was He Ning.

But it seems that I already have an answer in my heart.

Thinking of He Ning's close eyebrows and her own, thinking of everything she has obtained now is what she dreams of...

Sure enough, the aunt didn't let herself down, she really did.

For He Peishan, this is killing two birds with one stone...

"Aunty, will there be any trouble? Or, will she go back temporarily?" He Peishan said timidly.

"Why? I've been discussing it with her for a long time, no. Then I will give her a sum of money to send her abroad. She will live well. You must also live better than her." He Birong's voice is unusually gentle.

As always, she seemed to be in front of every junior, speaking with care and gentleness, helping others to solve their problems.

At that time, she will personally cut He Ning's body, and exchange useful things for He Peishan...

Then, the remaining part was destroyed.

No one would know what she did.

She is also a well-known medical researcher and a well-loved elder.

He Ning will disappear out of thin air in this world.

But there will be no evidence to prove that the matter is related to her.

This culpability is even more unlikely. It has something to do with He Peishan, and no one can involve He Peishan.

Everything is so just right.


She clenched He Peishan's hand, and a sense of joy and satisfaction rose in her heart.

What she didn't get, Shanshan... She must get all of it.


Ms. Pan received a call from the President's wife Jiang Xue again.

"Take action to solve He Ning." Jiang Xue's voice was very suppressed and a little low.

Ms. Pan was stunned, but did not refute, but responded in a low voice: "Yes."

"Do it cleanly. Don't let people doubt go to the presidential palace." Jiang Xue exhorted.

No one can afford Shen Jingyu's counterattack.

The presidential palace has no such ability.

However, He Ning, as long as she has a little relationship with Feng Ling, she can't let her stay in this world.

That woman should no longer stay in the world, and everything related to that woman should no longer remain in this world.

After Ms. Pan answered the phone, she immediately made arrangements.

It is not easy to start with He Ning on Shen Jingyu's wedding day.

But no matter how difficult it is to do, since Jiang Xue has given the task, she must do it.

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