Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 434: Things everyone in Jingyuan knows

And she must retreat all over, so that people can't have any connection with the presidential palace.

No one is willing to irritate Shen Jingyu.



He Manni and He Lu are still making careful preparations.

"Mannie, you will become the official young grandmother of the Shen family from tomorrow on. In the future, you must help me and introduce more suitable young talents." He Lu said while helping her clean up.

"Sure, you are my sister. We must support each other."

He Lu said dissatisfiedly: "Also, the first thing is to clean up He Ning. She indulged her friend again and slapped her mother a few times."

He Lu didn't dare to hate Ye Shu now, and counted all these accounts on He Ning's head.

He Manni had long been very dissatisfied with He Ning.

However, she has never been able to really suppress He Ning.

All the things that happened before are all backlogged in her mind.

After raising her eyebrows this time, the first person she didn't let go was He Ning.

"He Lu, why don't we find a few men and give her to her tomorrow..." He Manni smiled viciously and smugly when she said this.

He Lu immediately understood what she meant.

She agrees very much: "You are a good way. As long as she dares to come tomorrow, we dare to do something to her. At that time, she will completely disappear from our sight. And who will dare to pursue you? What's the responsibility of the newly promoted young grandmother Shen's?"

Thinking of the revenge tomorrow, the two sisters couldn't help laughing with joy at the same time.


Ding Langwei was in the hotel, holding the necklace taken from He Ning.

Obviously, Ms. Pan also saw this necklace yesterday.

He will not admit it, this necklace is Feng Ling's thing, it is her personal thing.

Feng Ling had two at the time, one of which was given to her best friend, Ding Langwei's sister Ding Qinen, when she left.

Ding Qinen then gave the necklace to Shen Jingyu, and Shen Jingyu forwarded it to He Peishan. This is something everyone in Jingyuan knows.

The other one, after leaving Feng Ling, no one has seen it again.

This kind of necklace is worthless, but the ring on the necklace was originally from the ancestors of the Feng family. The pattern on it is meticulous and elegant. After many years of inheritance, it cannot be imitated by modern craftsmen.

Now this thing is on He Ning...

Ding Langwei has not had time to talk to He Ning, but he must stop the people in the presidential palace and start with He Ning.

He took out professional tools, cruelly, put the ring in it and melted it.

In the future, the ring has nothing to do with He Ning, and Feng Ling has nothing to do with He Ning. At least, He Ning will be safe for the time being.


Shen Family Villa.

Finally, on the last day, Elle delivered the wedding dress customized for He Ning.

Every silk thread on the wedding dress is made by her in the Amazon jungle, using the fine leaves of a special plant, taking out the available parts, and hand-woven into a suitable fabric.

Then use the appropriate material to rigorously sew by hand.

The upper body of the whole wedding dress shows fragrant shoulders, and every pattern on it is exquisite and complicated; the lower part is fluffy and soft, like a starry night, brilliant, dazzling, refreshing and refreshing.

The whole wedding dress is as light as a cicada's wings and extremely close to the body. It is elle's work for half a year and is specially designed and produced for He Ning alone.

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