Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 439: The joy of youth

Chu Zhuohang finally understood the reason why his father had a lot of opinions on He Ning before he saw He Ning, but after meeting her, he totally changed.

His jaw: "Then Dad, I will go first in to the ceremony."

"Go." Chu Shiwen said lightly.

Chu Zhuohang strode towards the inner hall.

Today, everyone from the He family, except He Birong, Lan Xi, and He Peishan, are here.

Chu Zhuohang didn't see Lan Xi, and was a little disappointed. He was a rare elder who had shown great kindness to him.

He didn't have any stance. He went to see her in He's house. Chu Zhuohang could understand that she was not present today, but he was a little regretful.

After Chu Zhuohang entered the inner hall, Shen Jingyu's car arrived at the scene.

Today, the groom's suit on him is specially designed by elle to match He Ning's wedding dress. The bow tie of his shirt is a piece of brocade left over after making He Ning's wedding dress.

The light fabric, because of the style, just matches with his dark bridegroom suit, and it also plays an excellent embellishment effect.

As soon as he appeared, many people stood up straight involuntarily.

Qiao Hai and Qin Zheng followed him and walked to the inner hall together.

All the people in the inner hall stood up at the same time to welcome the dazzling bridegroom.

He stood at the door of the inner hall, his long and narrow phoenix eyes swept inward, as if he had looked at each other once, his always serious face, but his eyes were smiling, and he was still strong and domineering.

"San Ye!" everyone greeted in unison.

Hermani was so happy that she fainted.

Before, she didn't know what Shen Sanye looked like, she had only heard from others, he was handsome, young and promising.

When I saw it now, I realized that it was more than just as simple as Junmei Wushuang, completely as handsome as a **** in the sky, standing in front of everyone with a clear figure, and the whole world must surrender for him.

As a result, she was dazzled, immersed in happiness and ecstasy, and even forgot that she had seen the man in front of her before.

He Lu abducted her arm: "Manny, have you noticed that he is a bit familiar?"

"Good-looking people are similar." He Manni said, however, she was suddenly taken aback in her mind. This Sanye Shen in front of him...

Wasn't He Ning's man before?

He and He Ning have appeared countless times, and each time they have attracted much attention because of their beauty and incomparable beauty, and each time they have been despised because of their worthlessness.

This man... is he really that man in He Ning?

Hermanni was hit hard, thunder was thundering in her heart, no, how could it be such a coincidence?

How can it be? They are definitely not the same person, they must be just similar in appearance. How can the man in He Ning have this kind of aura?

Her Manni's heart was up and down, in a mess.

Shen Jingyu strode inward. Today, he is in a very good mood. As far as his eyes can be, he has a slight lips movement.

Thinking of the best wedding for He Ning, his heart hasn't been happy for a long time since he was young...

He Manni received this smile accurately, and the hands she shook before relaxed again.

Sure enough, this man, not He Ning's, smiled at himself.

The person he likes must be himself.

"He Lu, he likes me. Look, he likes me!" He Manni grabbed He Lu's hand and laughed.

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