Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 440: You stole my man

He Lu was also relieved. Only when He Manni was married to the third master, could she follow her to enjoy the blessing.

Quiet music rang, and there was a symphony orchestra invited from the United States, playing a repertoire.

He Ning and Ye Shu waited in the room upstairs in the hotel.

Not knowing if it was because of the tension, He Ning wanted to retching again.

Ye Shu hurriedly poured her a glass of juice: "He Ning, come, have a drink."

He Ning drank half a cup and quickly felt better in his stomach.

Hearing the romantic music outside, her heart suddenly became stable and relaxed.

The moment of dream came, and a sweet smile was involuntarily put on the corner of her lips.

The host is a well-known host from the best TV station in Jingyuan. He picked up the microphone and said: "Today is the wedding day of our Shen family's San Ye and Ms. He Jia. Now, please invite San Ye Shen Jingyu."

Shen Jingyu walked to the front of the stage with long legs, took the microphone, and said concisely: "Thank you for coming to my wedding."

"Now I have a bride..."

Hermani stood up immediately.

Everyone's attention was very concentrated at the moment, and when she stood up, many people saw it.

Regarding this Hermanni, many people didn't talk about it, and they couldn't help but feel contemptuous in their hearts.

Seeing her standing up, everyone secretly shook their heads. Shouldn't it be that Shen Sanye put a flower on the cow dung?

However, the host's next words surprised Her Manni: "Please bride, our beautiful and lovely Miss He Ninghe!"

what happened? Hermani suddenly became a little confused.

I watched He Ning and walked gracefully toward Shen Jingyu. The lights and eyes of the audience followed her, as if she were the most brilliant star in the sky.

Shen Jingyu took He Ning's hand, and he could see the cold face just now, but now it was all gentle.

Everyone discovered that his bow tie was the same color as He Ning's wedding dress.

His waistcoat chain is the same style as He Ning's necklace.

They are all small details, but they are enough to testify to the intentions of the design.

Two people stand together, and they are well matched, and under the light, they exude brilliance.

Huang Dili, Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao were all stunned.

How could it be, how could it be He Ning?

"Hasn't He Ning married a cowherd a long time ago?" Huang Dili shook her head and said.

Xie Yichen asked back: "Isn't she taken care of by an old man?"

"Isn't she spending money with a man by herself?" Xie Yihao was also full of questions in his head.

However, when they looked closely, they found that the man standing next to He Ning had never changed.

That was the third master of the Shen family, Shen Jingyu, or it could be said that he was the man who appeared next to He Ning when they were called the "Cowboy".

The faces of Xie's family changed swiftly, and dark clouds were densely covered.

My heart was filled with fear and panic.

What they have done before, can't be more clear in their hearts...

In the He family, half of the people recognized Shen Jingyu as the person next to He Ning at the time, and half of them hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem at all.

Especially Hermanni.

Her heart was full of unwillingness, full of unconvinced.

Hermani had accumulated hope for a month. At this moment, she was completely frustrated, and her heart's loss was so huge that she couldn't hide it.

Seeing the people on the stage happy and happy, she suddenly stood up and shouted: "He Ning, you robbed my man, Shen Jingyu is mine!"

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