Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 454: Don't hurt my child

These people approached step by step, and He Ning subconsciously protected his lower abdomen: "Don't hurt my child. I will do whatever the third master wants. Except for the child."

Those people continued to approach her as if they hadn't heard.

"Why does San Ye do this? Why is he?" He Ning asked.

All those people are Steward Luo's people, and can't answer her questions at all.

The headed person was rather polite and said: "Miss He, we will not hurt you. Please come back with us."

Because He Birong had urged that He Ning must appear in front of her intact, otherwise she would not be able to use her body organs.

So they won’t hurt Hening, or even touch her hair,

His attitude made He Ning even more convinced that they were sent by Shen Jingyu.

It's so funny...He Ning evoked a mocking smile, and wanted to take away her child, hiding from her, and on the premise that Gu Yunchen clearly stated that there was no problem around her and that he could keep the child, he made such a decision. .

Now let people say hypocritically, to protect her safety?

He Ning would never believe such a lie again.

"Don't come here again, otherwise, I will jump from here!" He Ning's location happened to be at the railing of the bridge across the river.

Her car was forced to stop here.

The railing is just waist-high, and she can jump off as long as she jumps.

Those people really hesitated, and the explanation from above was to live and unscathed.

If He Ning jumped down, how could they explain to them?

Seeing that they were really scared, He Ning gritted his teeth, turned over the fence, and stood on the outside of the fence.

Jiang Feng was blowing her dress, her thin body trembled in the wind, and she was in danger of falling down at any time.

"You all stand back!" He Ning threatened.

The people looked at each other and took a few steps back.

The head of the person said slowly: "Miss He, don't worry, we won't hurt you. You get down there first, everything can be discussed!"

He Ning didn't believe their nonsense at all.

The sister she once trusted so much was just cheating.

Later, Shen Jingyu, whom she sincerely handed over, also wanted to take away her child. There was no one, and there was a truth.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of her lips: "If you really won't hurt me, then let me go."

She still doesn't know where to go, but the world is so big, there will always be a place where she and her baby can stay.

Of course those people refused, and took a few steps forward.

"Sure enough, what you guys are talking about is nonsense!" He Ning laughed. Since he wouldn't hurt her, why did he come to catch her?

If they were caught, how could she and the baby still have a chance to get out?

"Miss He, you can come down, let's talk carefully."

He Ning shook his head and raised the volume: "You guys step back first!"

The man didn't dare to push too quickly, and waved his hand to make people step back.

The headed person's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and said: "I have found someone, but she is a little excited...knowing that it won't hurt her hair. Make sure to bring it back intact."

The person who called is He Peishan.

Today is the wedding of Shen Jingyu and He Ning, and her whole person is entangled in a kind of anxiety.

Therefore, she couldn't help but intervene in this matter that was originally handled by Steward Luo.

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