Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 455: I will replace you, take good care of and accompany Brother Yu

Only in this way can she slightly relieve the depression in her heart.

"Be careful of Shen Jingyu's people." He Peishan said.

"Sanye Shen didn't realize that we were chasing Hening. It seems that they quarreled." He said strangely.

It stands to reason that when He Ning came out, someone should follow.

At least, Shen Sanye's people will quickly come out and look for it.

But so far, everything has been calm.

When He Ning came out, she was very emotional, not like a normal trip.

He Peishan's heart moved: "Have you quarreled?"

I don't know what the quarrel was because of?

But in short, no matter what, it is an excellent opportunity for her.


He Ning let go of her teeth and thought it was Shen Jingyu on the other side of the phone.

She pursed her lips slightly: "I want to talk to him!"

The man negotiated a few words with the person on the phone, and stepped forward to hand him the phone to He Ning.

He Ning said, "Throw it over."

The phone was thrown at He Ning's feet, she let go of one hand and picked up the phone.

On the other side of the phone, it was not Shen Jingyu.

But another, some familiar voice, very arrogant and complacent, with a sharp ending: "He Ning."

He Peishan!

When He Ning heard this name, a strong bad feeling arose in her heart.

A handful of salt was sprinkled on the wound in the bottom of my heart.

"He Ning, quarreled with Brother Yu?" He Peishan's voice was a little gloomy, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Especially, the content of her words.

She actually knew that she had a quarrel with Shen Jingyu!

In other words, Shen Jingyu has already contacted her.

What are they...what conspiracy?

He Peishan’s temptation started to bear fruit. After hearing He Ning’s silence, she took the time to provoke the divorce: "Do you know, what do these people do with you? Because of my condition, I need a little spinal cord. And you are just right. Don't worry. They won't hurt you!"

Of course she would not be so stupid to say that she wanted all of He Ning's organs.

He Ning's heart trembled, and he almost couldn't hold the phone with his fingers: "You want my spinal cord?"

"Yeah. Didn't you get sick before? It's not appropriate. That's why Brother Yu asked you to recover slowly. Isn't you getting better now? Naturally, my surgery can also be done."

He Peishan pushed everything to Shen Jingyu's body.

She cuts a knife to He Ning, and He Ning will not hurt.

Only by letting Shen Jingyu insert a knife to He Ning will she be heartbroken!

He Peishan's laughter came faintly.

"He Ning, you changed the spinal cord for me. I'll be fine when the time comes, and I will make up for you. I will replace you and take good care of and accompany Brother Yu. How about you?"

He Ning's belief that had long since collapsed is now passing away with the wind.

She finally knew why Shen Jingyu wanted to take her baby away!

Because she was pregnant with a child, there was no way to provide He Peishan with the spinal cord she wanted!

Sure enough, everything is just false feelings, all love and hate are not without reason!

Healed her diligently, treated her well, gave her everything, but it was a means to tie her around, or a compensation for her guilt.

She had known for a long time... things that came too fast and too beautiful would not be true.

Unfortunately, she is still too stupid...

"He Ning, are you still listening?" He Peishan only felt unusually happy in his heart, and his mood was also extremely high.

Soon, He Ning will become a part of her, so she is afraid that she will have no chance if she doesn't say these things.

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