Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 456: To pave the way for their love

He Peishan was in a particularly good mood: "He Ning, Brother Yu has given you everything you want. What else do you have to know about? He doesn't owe you anything."

Now, He Ning has been under the siege of the people arranged by Steward Luo, He Peishan said these words unscrupulously.

Anyway, He Ning didn't have the opportunity to file a complaint with Brother Yu. This stinky woman should have gotten such a result long ago.

"He Ning, don't be sad. Everyone has everyone's life, and my life is closely related to Brother Yu. As for you, from the very beginning, there should not be between us. Understand?"

"I didn't understand before. I understand now." He Ning's smile changed from bitterness to indifferent.

"He Peishan, don't you want to marry Shen Jingyu? You will see it, there will always be live videos of my marriage to him. Don't you want to be with him for life? It's a pity He Peishan, you can't do it."

"Because, I will not provide you with the spinal cord. I will not let you push around."

"He Peishan, goodbye. No, maybe, we will meet in another place soon..."

He Ning's heart was missing a piece, and that piece became all, as empty as the entire sky.

She stroked her lower abdomen, that was the only person she was sorry, her own baby...

If she can't protect him, she shouldn't let him exist.

He gave her the biggest surprise and made her owe him the biggest guilt.

sorry Sorry……

She murmured in a low voice.

"He Ning, what are you going to do?" He Peishan shouted out of control.

He Ning raised his hand, and the phone fell into the surging river surface.

The chaser took a few steps forward: "Miss He, Miss He..."

Her long hair and skirt were blown to the ground and swayed with the wind, making those who were chasing them frightened.

Whether their tasks can be completed or not depends on He Ning...

He Ning showed a smile towards them, the smile on the corners of his lips, faint, but there was a strong emotion.

Immediately, she let go of her hands, closed her eyes, and fell sharply towards the river, like a butterfly with broken wings, drifting away in the wind and falling towards the river.

Goodbye, Ye Shu, goodbye, Gong Yunxi, goodbye, everything in this world...

The eyelashes quivered, and the body fell, touching the cold river water...

If she were to be asked to donate spinal cords for women like He Peishan, to pave the way for their love and fulfill their conspiracy, then she would rather die.

She can't protect the child while alive, so she would rather stay with the child and go to Huangquan together.

Maybe it's pitiful, and you can have the same fate with your children in your next life.

She would never...do anything for Shen Jingyu and He Peishan!

"Miss He! Miss He!" The surrounding voices followed one after another. Even though these people were retired special forces, none of them could catch He Ning.

"Quickly, go into the water and search now! Down the river, you can't let it go anywhere!"

On the other side of the phone, He Peishan shouted out of control after hearing these words: "Where is He Ning? Where is she? What happened to her? What happened?"

"Miss, He Ning jumped into the river. We will find her right away!"

"You must find it right away! Even if it's a corpse, I want it too! I'll give you her corpse in my hands within six hours!"

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