Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 459: Where is He Ning?

Qiao Hai followed him: "General, the surveillance on the main street was taken away deliberately in advance. However, our people discovered that the young lady's car had appeared on the bridge across the river. Following her, there were many cars. "

Did He Ning drive out? !

Shen Jingyu clenched his fists and hung them on both sides of his body.

She went out by herself, and then someone surrounded her and stopped her.

In other words, she really heard those words that she said before she drove out, giving people a chance to take advantage of it.

Shen Jingyu hated herself...

"Paste all the information of all witnesses together, I have to know every word that everyone said!"

While contacting all parties, Qiao Hai reported all the aggregated information to Shen Jingyu.

Crossing the river bridge, monitoring, chasing and blocking vehicles...

It seems that these are premeditated arrangements.

Someone wanted to take He Ning away and interfered with the sight, not wanting to be found by Shen Jingyu.

He only thought of one possibility... He Birong.

Apart from that, no one would hate He Ning so deeply.

And He Birong is nothing more than to exhale for He Peishan.

Shen Jingyu squeezed his eyebrows: "I will look for the bodyguards of the He family who appeared at the wedding today, mainly retired soldiers. I want to see any of them right away!"

"Yes!" Qiao Hai replied.

At this moment, a small number of people arranged by He Birong went everywhere to take the surveillance on the road.

Most of them went to the river to find He Ning.

Whether it is alive or dead, there is an explanation from above, and He Ning must be brought back immediately.

They didn't dare to neglect, even if they were looking for He Ning's body, they had to speed up the progress of time.

He Ning's body must be found before Shen Jingyu acts.

The surface of the river is very wide, and after falling into it alone, to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After the billowing river passes through the west of Portugal, it heads towards the sea.

If you don’t find He Ning’s body as soon as possible, maybe her body will be eaten by the swimming fish, maybe her body will be washed into the sea, making it more difficult to find...

"San Ye, caught a retired soldier from the He family and entered the arena today as He Boyuan's bodyguard. So no one checked him."

He Boyuan? He Yiming's father.

Shen Jingyu said coldly: "Bring here."

He hoped that the matter had nothing to do with He Boyuan.

Otherwise, the Shen family and the He family are bound to have a blood feud that will shake the empire.

Shen Jingyu's car stopped nearby, and the subordinate's car quickly approached.

Without waiting for the car to stop, Shen Jingyu strode forward, opened the car door, grabbed a bodyguard of the He family from it, and threw it on the ground.

The tall body was thrown to the ground, and the bodyguards endured without saying a word. As a retired soldier of the He family, these minor injuries were not a problem at all.

Shen Jingyu kicked over, only to hear the dull click of the bodyguard's bones, which was a cracking sound.

"Where is He Ning?" It wasn't about asking who had instructed him. Those weren't important now.

The important thing is where He Ning is now.

"I don't know..." The bodyguard was arranged by Steward Luo and obeyed He Birong's command.

Loyal to the He family.

"Where is He Ning?" Shen Jingyu asked with a sullen face and gritted teeth.

The bloodthirsty brutality on him spread wildly, like a messenger from hell, like Satan, his phoenix eyes were covered with red blood, and every word was as cold as a bayonet.

The bodyguard was still stiff, and spit out a sentence from his neck: "I don't know."

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