Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 460: He Ning jumped down

Shen Jingyu raised his foot and kicked his face fiercely, his teeth falling out mixed with blood.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

But the soldiers of the He family, whether they are active or retired, are the same as those of the Shen family. Once they are loyal to their masters, they will never be able to reveal their secrets.

"I don't know..." was his only answer.

"Very well. I know you are not afraid of death." Shen Jingyu closed her hand, her voice became cold and indifferent, "Qiao Hai, check his family. All family members, all relatives, bring them all! No, you don't need to bring them, just dispose of them on the spot. Right. Every time he says "I don't know", he will deal with one more..."

"Shen Jingyu, you are frantic!" The bodyguard spit out blood and looked at Shen Jingyu in horror.

He is nothing more than relying on Shen Jingyu's usual reputation and the principle that he has always adhered to, never involving the innocent, causing harm to his family, so he dared not to confide in the truth.

However, what he didn't know was that He Ning's matter could make him change any principle.

Anyone who does something to He Ning has long been out of his principle!

"Qiao Hai, arrange for someone to do it!" What about frantic?

He Ning can't be found, people who want to be buried with him, there are more!

A bloodthirsty killing intent burst into his eyes, and an indescribable madness swallowed his reason.

The murderous aura of life and death in the army for many years is deliberately hidden in peacetime, but no one can ignore his history of rolling out in blood for many years.

The bodyguard's face suddenly changed: "He Ning jumped off the surface of the river. We just wanted to take her away, she chose to jump down!"

"What?" Shen Jingyu grabbed his collar, "Say it again!"

"He Ning jumped off the bridge across the river. We are now looking for He Ning's body!"

Jumped off the surface of the river.

There is only one river in the west of Portugal. It is a river with a span of more than ten kilometers. The river is so fast that only large boats can pass through the river.

Out of the west of Portugal, the river flows directly into the sea.

Shen Jingyu's heart was firmly grasped by an invisible hand, and it was squeezed tightly.

He Ning jumped down...

Jumped from such a high surface of the river.

"General!" Qiao Hai reached out and supported him.

Shen Jingyu's figure shook, barely supporting her to stand firmly: "Go to the river's edge now."

The voice was rough and ugly, just like his face now.

While driving, Qiao Hai informed the others to go to the river.

Upon reaching the bridge across the river, He Ning's car suddenly appeared in front of him.

But there is no longer the familiar figure in front of me.

"San Ye, have arranged for people to search along both sides of the river; the rescue boats have all sailed toward the river; all the rescue forces that can be dispatched have all been dispatched." Qin Zheng quickly stepped forward to report.

It was dark, and on the river at night, the ships, helicopters and vehicles being searched were shining brightly.

The rescue ship honked its whistle, resounding across the night sky.

The huge rescue boat is just a bright spot on the river.

It is conceivable that a small person in the river will be so small and the opportunity to look for is so small.

Shen Jingyu slammed a fist against the guardrail.

Withdrawing his hand, all the joints were covered with red blood.

He lowered his hands, blood snaking along the clenched fist on the ground.

He Yiming and Ye Shu hurriedly arrived: "Jingyu, I have already sent additional staff."

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