Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 483: Kicked on her chest

He Birong smiled and didn't say much. Anyway, she can do evil, she still hopes He Peishan can maintain a peaceful state of mind.

At this moment, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside.

Someone seemed to be blocking something: "San Ye, you can't enter so many people in Miss's ward."

"San Ye..."

He Birong stood up, and a group of people appeared in front of him.

Headed by Shen Jingyu, a large number of people followed, hurriedly walking towards this side.

He Peishan stood up happily: "Brother Yu came to see me!"

Sure enough, Brother Yu changed his mind after the **** died.

He Peishan happily greeted him: "Brother Yu."

Shen Jingyu's face was haggard and hard, and there was no trace of emotion in the narrow and long phoenix eyes, and the blood-red eyes carried a bloodthirsty killing intent.

"Brother Yu!" He Peishan took his arm affectionately.

Shen Jingyu slammed his long arm and threw He Peishan out and fell to the ground.

"Brother Yu..." He Peishan was in pain and looked at him tearfully, "How can you treat me like this? It hurts so much..."

Shen Jingyu turned a deaf ear to her aegis and complaints, as if he hadn't heard anything from her.

He Birong was angry: "Jingyu, how can you bring so many people to Shanshan's ward? How can you treat Shanshan like this?"

Before she finished speaking, Shen Jingyu kicked her hard and kicked her chest.

Without regaining any strength, He Birong was kicked out and flew straight out until she hit the desk before she fell to the ground, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

She herself was dazzled for a while, and with the doctor's instinct, she noticed that she had at least broken several ribs.

She vomited several mouthfuls of blood before she calmed her mind.

He Peishan cried madly: "Aunt! Aunt!"

She climbed up in front of He Birong and tried to help He Birong up, but she couldn't help at all.

"Don't move me." He Birong calmed down and said.

"Auntie!" He Peishan burst into tears and pointed at Shen Jingyu, "Brother Yu, how can you treat Auntie like this? Auntie is an elder whom everyone respects and is good to all of us. How can you do this!"

Shen Jingyu's eyes reddened and couldn't hear a word at all.

A few days ago, all his attention was focused on searching for He Ning's whereabouts.

But as time passed for too long and reason gradually returned, the possibility that he was unwilling to accept it became greater and greater.

He was unwilling to accept it, and had to accept it.

And the culprit of all this, the instigator, is He Birong!

Shen Jingyu took the people directly and entered the hospital. He didn't care whether it was a glass ward or not, and he didn't care about who was there!

"Brother Yu!" He Peishan cried bitterly, "My aunt didn't kill He Ning, she jumped into the river by herself! Aunt just wanted to scare her and help me out! Aunt really didn't have any bad thoughts!"

"Just let auntie go, she really didn't mean it..."

Her temper is very similar to He Birong, and the excuses she makes are full of similarities.

He never mentioned anything about the treatment and surgery, so he avoided the serious and the slightest.

Shen Jingyu approached He Birong step by step, and every step was as heavy as stepping on the apex of He Birong's heart.

She originally thought that no matter how Shen Jingyu had to take care of the faces of the two families, no matter how he would embarrass herself in public...

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