Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 484: At least a few ribs were broken

It turns out that she was wrong. Not only did he not take into account the friendship and face of the two families, but he even revealed a ruthlessness in his eyes that would put her to death!

He Birong was scared, she should have thought of what kind of person Shen Jingyu is!

Even if he usually restrains his edge, it does not prove that someone dares to step on his bottom line.

If he is not angry yet, it only means that the offender is lucky.

And once he is provoked, he is like a awakened beast, with a bloodthirsty murderous...

He Birong stepped back, behind him was the desk, unable to go back.

He Peishan hugged her and cried bitterly.

Every step of Shen Jingyu is heavy, and it is bound to be won.

"Brother Yu, hit me if you want, don't hit Auntie..." He Peishan protected He Birong, spreading his arms around her.

Because she knew that apart from her aunt, no one would treat her so well.

There will be no one again, considering her feelings in everything.

"Pull her away!" Shen Jingyu said coldly, majestic irresistible.

Immediately someone came forward to pull He Peishan.

He Peishan burst into tears: "Brother Yu, you can't do this, we didn't do anything wrong, it was her own choice that He Ning jumped into the river..."

Shen Jingyu turned her gaze to her, and there was a cold blood in her eyes, and He Peishan shut her mouth tremblingly in fright.

Just when he kicked He Birong again, a figure stopped him, and Shen Jingyu kicked another person.

It's He Yiming.

"Jingyu!" He Yiming knelt on the ground in pain.

Fortunately, his physical fitness is much better than that of He Birong, but he can't stand it even after suffering this kick.

"Get out of the way!" Shen Jingyu said sharply.

He Yiming stood up straight with difficulty: "One kick is enough. Aunt, she has at least broken several ribs, you should be relieved of anger."

"How she treats He Ning, today, how I will treat her!" Shen Jingyu's voice didn't have the slightest temperature.

He Yiming stopped him: "You are the general led by the Dragon Empire. If you step down again, you will kill her!"

"Have you ever considered your soldiers, your home country? Have you ever thought about your arrest for intentional homicide, what will other people do?"

"Jingyu, how many eyes are looking at you, waiting for you to make a mistake, someone will come to take your place. You can't go on like this."

He Yiming hurried over, although he meant to help Birong He, but most of it was actually for Shen Jingyu's consideration.

No matter how modern society is concerned about the rule of law, it's just a matter of small troubles.

If He Birong really died in the hands of Shen Jingyu, things would definitely make a big deal.

After all, He Birong is not a small person. If something really happens, even if He Yiming doesn't pursue it, the He family will never let it go.

Shen Jingyu sneered and pointed behind him: "I brought them today, all of them belong to the Shen family, and have nothing to do with my soldiers."

He was dressed in casual clothes, and none of the people who brought them were wearing military uniforms.

Obviously, he handled this matter as a private matter, and even Qiao Hai didn't take it with him.

He Yiming grabbed him: "It means you haven't lost your mind! Then take your time and leave with your people!"

"If you don't throw her off the bridge across the river, I will never leave!" Shen Jingyu pushed him aside fiercely.

He Yiming was pushed away, but another person came forward to stop him: "Jingyu, you want to take Bi Rong, unless you step on my body!"

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