Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 497: What is He Peishan worth doing?

"Young Master." Doctor Fang obviously didn't expect that Chu Zhuohang would hear what Chu Zhuohang had just said, and stood up in surprise.

Chu Zhuohang strode towards them and approached them, with his hands resting on the desk opposite Chu Shiwen, his eyes facing his father.

There was no change in the expression on Chu Zhiwen's face, and the injured half of his face had always been hidden in the dark, hiding both the hideousness and terror.

Doctor Fang looked at Chu Shiwen and Chu Zhuohang again, neither standing nor sitting for a while.

Chu Zhuohang was outside just now, and unintentionally heard their conversation.

Although they didn't understand the cause and effect, they also heard what they meant... They had, had plans to send He Ning to the He family!

So why?

Now, will they have such plans again?

"Dad, He Ning and He's family, what's the matter? Why did you ever plan to send her to He's house?" Chu Zhuohang asked, in his always Qingrun voice, it was a bit dull at this moment because of its seriousness.

Doctor Fang immediately said, "Master, Master Chu didn't mean that..."

"What does that mean?" Chu Zhuohang turned to look at him, his eyes full of questioning.

"This..." Doctor Fang felt uneasy when he saw him, and the words came to an end.

"What do you mean?" Chu Zhuohang continued to press.

Although he did not accept the family business, he also helped Chu Shiwen deal with family affairs for several years and stepped on thousands of corpses.

Because of his condition, he suffered more injuries than others. When others couldn't touch him and he was seriously injured, he survived countless times abruptly.

Usually, when these things are converged, he is a gentle and clear son.

And once the aura is full, his aura...no one dares to ignore it!

If it wasn't for that kind of disease, he was the man who was born to eat this bowl of rice!

"Young master..." Doctor Fang said with a vibrato.

"Don't force Doctor Fang, you sit down." Chu Shiwen spoke lightly, suppressing Chu Zhuohang's hostility.

Chu Zhuohang turned to look at him: "Okay, I want to hear your explanation. Why did you save He Ning in the first place?"

He had also suspected before, this was too coincidental, and his father was too interested in He Ning.

Just in time, He Ning was rescued from the He family and escaped from Shen Jingyu's eyeliner... Father did too much of this.

Unexpectedly, once there is doubt, these points are really worth exploring.

"If you can't give me a satisfactory explanation, I won't stop pursuing it." Chu Zhuohang's voice became gloomy.

"He Ning's wedding day, I am around." Chu Shiwen said.

Chu Zhuohang was aware of this, he had also seen his father appear.

"So I know the matter of the He family arresting her very well, and I soon got the news." He continued.

Chu Zhuohang said coldly: "The He family found that He Ning's spinal cord was consistent with He Peishan and wanted to use her spinal cord to treat He Peishan. Aunt Lan once treated me well, and I am very grateful for her kindness. But I don't agree with He Ning's donation Spinal cord to He Peishan!"

"I have the same idea as you. I wanted to save He Ning and give it to the He family. But... I didn't do it in the end." Chu Zhiwen said, "Now letting her leave, I don't want to have this idea again. Understand?"

"What is He Peishan worth for you to do? Just because she is Aunt Lan's daughter?" Chu Zhuohang asked back.

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