Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 498: He Peishan is Chu's biological daughter

Chu Zhiwen didn't speak, and some words were really too complicated, and also involved too many painful memories.

For a while, he couldn't even speak.

Chu Zhuohang asked: "Or, you just want to cling to the powerful military family for greater power. Either clinging to the Shen family, or clinging to the He family, right?"

Seeing Chu Zhiwen not speaking, Chu Zhuohang's emotions became even greater: "Choose the Shen family, and you can cling to Shen Jingyu; and choosing the He family, you can cling to the entire He family, right! You just have this in your heart. He had a plan, so I rescued He Ning, and then wanted to use He Ning, right?"

Facing Chu Zhuohang's questioning, Chu Shiwen just gave out a faint smile, his lips moved slightly, but he couldn't find where to start explaining.

"Using women to achieve my own goals, is this what you have been teaching me, even though we are not in a proper business, do we have to be ashamed of our hearts?" Chu Zhuohang's business is full of ridicule.

Doctor Fang was anxious and said quickly, "Master, you have misunderstood Master Chu. Master Chu didn't want to cling to anyone, just because He Peishan is the biological daughter of Master Chu..."

After speaking, he realized that he had revealed too much, and hurriedly lowered his head: "Master Chu..."

Chu Shiwen looked at him and said lightly: "It's okay. I was going to tell Zhuo Hang about this matter."

Chu Zhuohang looked at them in shock, He Peishan is his father's biological daughter?

how can that be?

He only knew that his father had never married a wife in his life, let alone had children.

He was thinking of a woman in his heart, unforgettable.

He is nothing but an abandoned baby picked up by his father from outside.

He Peishan turned out to be his father's biological daughter?

With an identity like the He family, how could it be possible to raise a bloodline that is not from the He family?

"Dad..." Chu Zhuohang looked at him in disbelief.

"My original name is He, He Wenyuan." Chu Shiwen said.

This sentence made Chu Zhuohang react immediately: "He Peishan's father is He Boyuan, and your name is He Wenyuan... He Birong is the second brother He Boyuan, so you are their eldest brother and the eldest son of the He family?"

"Yes, but not. Although I am the eldest son of the He family in name, in fact, I am only the eldest son adopted by them."

"My biological father and He Boyuan's biological father are cousins. My parents died young. When I was very young, I was taken into the current He family and became a member of the family."

"He Boyuan and He Birong are my brother and sister."

"My father is kind to me, but my mother, now Mrs. He, has always treated me just fine."

"I worked hard to join the army at the age of fourteen. At twenty, I became the leader of important military power."

"I and Lan Xi, who you always call Aunt Lan, originally fell in love. More than 20 years ago, after I planned to perform the task, I went back and told my adoptive parents that I would marry Lan Xi as my wife."

"But that mission failed, and my brothers... everyone except me was wiped out, and the mission failed miserably."

"The wound on my face and the broken leg are the tragic consequences after that mission."

As if recalling what happened back then, Chu Zhiwen's voice was extremely low.

Chu Zhuohang was also brought into his emotions, following him seemed to return to the scene of such a tragic mission.

I can imagine how thrilling the calm narrative in his mouth when it really happened...

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