Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 516: Let her bear the pain of losing her son

"No." He Ning interrupted her, she touched her lower abdomen subconsciously, and would never let them touch her belly again.

Let them not find out that their children are still there.

"You go out, I don't need any recovery."

Upon seeing this, the dietitian said, "The young lady should eat something first. Your body is very weak. These things are very helpful for your body's recovery."

He Ning slept all night, and after experiencing so many things, he was already hungry at the moment.

However, facing the things that Shen Jingyu had sent to others, she didn't want to eat, nor dared to eat.

She still has children in her belly, and if there is any problem with the food, she will regret it.

"No, take them all." He Ning refused.

"But grandma, this is San Ye..."

"I said, don't eat. You don't need to do anything to recover. You all go out."

The therapist and dietitian had to go out.

Shen Jingyu pushed the door and walked in.

He Ning's mood is no longer as agitated as before.

But when she raised her eyes, Shen Jingyu saw a cold, silent, suspicion and resistance in her eyes.

All kinds of negative emotions are intertwined in her eyes, and she will never smile as soon as she saw him as before.

Shen Jingyu's throat slid: "He Ning, are you better?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He Ning curled her lips, "San Ye intends to make me feel better before sending He Peishan for surgery?"

"He Ning!" Shen Jingyu's voice became serious, because of her distrust.

He Ning raised his head and looked at him amusedly: "Otherwise? I just had a miscarriage. Isn't my body suitable? At least I have to recuperate for a while, and all aspects of recovery are almost the same, so that He Peishan can use my body. Good recovery, isn't it?"

"I will never trade your health for He Peishan's recovery! Neither can anyone else!" Shen Jingyu's voice was low, with the accent on every word.

But no matter what he said now, He Ning didn't want to believe it.

If you don't believe it, you won't be hurt. After so many things, she has understood this deeply.

She met his gaze straight, stubborn, cold and contemptuous.

Shen Jingyu was defeated in the light of her eyes, it was his fault that made her bear the pain of losing her son.

This is a fact that can never be refuted.

"I'm sorry, He Ning." Shen Jingyu slowed down and said in pain, "I am sorry for our child. I apologize for taking the child away."

"I don't expect you to forgive me, but please, don't sink into sorrow because of this, don't... violate your body."

He Ning looked at him coldly: "Apologize? That's a child, our common child, and a life! In your mouth, it's a simple apology? Do you think this is useful?"

Shen Jingyu fell silent.

No matter how much he said at this moment, He Ning would not forgive him, and he would not even feel better.

"At least, you have something to eat." After a long time, Shen Jingyu said.

He Ning shook his head: "Unless, you let me go."

She didn't want to stay by his side for a second.

"Impossible!" Shen Jingyu raised her eyes, and a thin layer of coolness and pain spread.

What he said would not let He Ning leave his side and leave the safe environment.


The news that He Ning was still alive soon spread throughout Jingyuan and West Portugal.

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