Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 517: Deep-rooted misunderstanding

Ding Langwei found Ding Qinen.

Ding Qinen is planning to go to West Portugal to see He Ning. Although subjectively she doesn't like He Ning very much, she is after all the woman her son has fancyed.

Just about to go out, Ding Langwei walked in: "Sister, I want to say a few words to you."

"I am going to see He Ning and Jingyu."

"Sister, He Ning may be Feng Ling's child."

Ding Qinen withdrew his steps and pulled him over: "Go to my study and say."

After entering the study, she looked at Ding Langwei anxiously: "What the **** is going on? Why do you say that?"

"The last time He Ning and Jingyu got married, I went to Portugal specifically, and accidentally, I saw a necklace on He Ning's neck, the one with the ring tied to it."

Ding Langwei said, Ding Qinen remembered: "Yes, there are two necklaces of that kind. I left one Fengling for me and the other for herself. Why did the necklace appear on He Ning's body? ?"

"Yes. I saw it with my own eyes. At the time, Guan Guan of the Presidential Palace also saw it. Although I immediately took the necklace from Hening's side. But the Presidential Palace still knew of her existence. I was worried about the people in the Presidential Palace. Start with He Ning and find someone to look at Guanshi Pan and her people..."

Ding Qinen sighed: "When something like that happened, Feng Ling was forced to leave the presidential palace... Since then, there has been no news. We looked for people everywhere to check, but we couldn't find her whereabouts. Originally thought she had passed away. She didn't expect that she was still alive. Isn't He Ning her daughter?"

"I didn't dare to make any conclusions. He Ning jumped into the river at the time, and I didn't have time to communicate with her about this matter." Ding Langwei said.

Ding Qinen thought for a while and said, "Let's do it, you help me send more people to protect He Ning's safety, especially the people in the presidential palace."

"I know, the manpower has been arranged. As for Jingyu..." Ding Langwei said.

Ding Qinen stopped him: "Jingyu doesn't need to tell him about this. The more he knows, the less necessary. Besides, he himself will know to protect He Ning, and we don't need our reminder."

Ding Langwei hurriedly communicated with Ding Qinen and left.

Originating from his feelings for Feng Ling back then, he also has a special affliction for He Ning.

I only hope that when she comes back alive this time, she can be well with Shen Jingyu.


Shen Jingyu's villa.

He Ning continued for several days, not to mention eating, even the Shen family refused to drink a sip of water.

Uncle Jiu and Aunt Chen took turns to persuade them to be useless.

"My grandmother, you just came back. You are weak, how can you not eat anything?" Aunt Chen persuaded me bitterly, "Even a bite is good."

He Ning shook his head: "Aunt Chen, you can take it out first, I'm fine."

She stroked her lower abdomen, which was still flat.

But the longer the delay, the easier it will be for Shen Jingyu to discover the existence of the child, so she must move out as soon as possible.

Aunt Chen took the things out and said distressedly: "San Ye, young grandma still refuses to eat. If this goes on, how can her body stand it? What's more, she just had a miscarriage and she needs nutrition..."

Shen Jingyu's eyebrows were dyed with a deep touch.

He Ning's misunderstanding of him is deep-rooted, and he really can't help it...

Going upstairs, he stood at the door, looking at the beautiful shadow of He Ning standing in front of the window.

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