Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 530: I want to use public opinion to force the third master to submit

My mother was seriously ill, and my father ignored him... At the age of more than three years, he had tasted the ups and downs of life, and only that little brother was a bright color in life.

At that time, she had been thinking to herself that if she grew up, she would find him and marry him.

But as time went on, she knew that those thoughts were too naive, and she no longer had those thoughts.

Seeing her face turned red, Ye Shu couldn't help but smiled: "Don't you really think about agreeing with your body?"

"Those are all naive thoughts when I was young, not to mention that I am now..." He Ning pursed his lips slightly.

"Stop making trouble, I'll take the fruit for you and add some nutrition to my baby niece." Ye Shu was about to leave when the phone rang.

She picked it up and it was a call from a company employee: "Miss Ye, all the media are reporting on Shen Sanye and He's family. Do we want to follow up?"

"What's the matter?" Ye Shu lowered his voice, preventing He Ning from hearing it.

"Miss He Jia He Peishan needs the spinal cord of Sanye Shen's wife to be treated. Sanye Shen refused to agree. You must know that Miss He saved Sanye Shen's life back then. No, many media are now talking about it. This matter. Everyone is scolding Shen Sanye for being ungrateful."

Ye Shu made a decisive decision: "You don't need to follow up. No matter."

"But someone paid a big price for us to issue a notice..."

"No!" Ye Shu categorically.

He Ning asked curiously, "Leaf, what's the matter?"

Ye Shu couldn't hide it, so he told the story.

"I didn't expect that San Ye would refuse..." Ye Shu hung up, "I will check it out on the Internet."

She found the news, and sure enough, many places were reporting the matter, and the voice of scolding him was endless.

In the report, he deliberately did not mention his noble general status, but only mentioned that he was the head of the Shen family, and emphasized He Peishan's life-saving grace to him and his cold-blooded ruthlessness.

Not to mention Shen Jingyu, even Shen Jingyu's wife was scolded.

Although the report did not mention the name of this wife, she received only a lot more scolding.

The most liked message is this kind of message: "It's really unconscionable! No wonder you will become a husband and wife!"

"Wolf-hearted couple! Go to death both!"

"A realistic version of the story of the farmer and the snake."

He Ning was shocked.

She really hadn't thought that Shen Jingyu not only did not participate in the He family's affairs, but also took the pressure from the other side.

"Who is so courageous, dare to send such news that slanders the third master?" Ye Shu's eyes widened.

"Except for the He family, there is no one else. If it's someone else, this kind of news won't even pass the first trial." He Ning has already guessed the truth of the matter. "Only He Jia dare to poke like this. But you Looking at the report, they didn't even dare to mention the title of General of the Third Master. They were afraid that people who didn't know the truth would help him speak for him when he knew his identity.

Ye Shu said angrily: "Are they trying to use public opinion to force the third master to submit?"

"It must be." He Ning constricted her eyes.

Ye Shu stopped talking for a while, and said, "He Ning, don't you think that San Ye is dedicated to you, in fact, you don't have to quarrel with him so furiously."

He Ning curled her lips bitterly: "No, my problem with him is not the He family's problem. It is the child's problem. He insisted on not having children. How can I reconcile with him?"

Ye Shu was silent, changing to her as He Ning, and the only way to choose divorce.

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