Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 531: Unspeakable ambiguity

After Ye Shu left.

He Ning is still watching the news over and over again.

Unknowingly it was getting late, He Ning was still thinking about this after eating and taking a shower.

I am afraid that the He family has no choice but to use this method to force Shen Jingyu.

I don't know if he will change his mind under such high pressure to help the He family...

While He Ning was thinking wildly, the door of the room knocked on the door indiscriminately.

He Ning hurried to open the door. At the door was Qin Zheng, and he was supporting a drunk person. Don't look at him. He Ning will never forget his breath—Shen Jingyu.

"Young grandma, the presidential palace invited the third master to dinner. The president personally toasted the third master wine, so he..." Qin Zheng said embarrassedly, "I will send him over from Jingyuan overnight, and ask the young grandma to take care of him overnight."

He Ning knew that after Shen Jingyu drank alcohol, his condition was full, especially his body. He would be allergic after drinking, and allergic reaction...

He Ning bit her lip: "You can't take care of it, and I can't take care of it. Take him back."

"My grandmother, San Ye is different tonight, he really drank a little bit. I'm afraid that something will happen to him..."

"Isn't there going to be Doctor Gu? Come over to Doctor Gu." He Ning said hard-heartedly, glancing at the red mass on Shen Jingyu's face, and a red rash had already started.

She turned her eyes away and didn't look at him, but the more so, the more his condition affected her sight.

Qin Zheng said distressedly: "San Ye hasn't slept well for more than ten days. If this is the case tonight, I will definitely be unable to sleep again..."

In He Ning's mind, the sleeping pills in the small room of his office suddenly appeared.

She spoke faster than reason: "Help him in."

After speaking, He Ning wanted to bite off her tongue.

However, it was too late to regret. Qin Zhengxiang received an amnesty order and immediately helped Shen Jingyu into the room.

Then he said quickly as if he had put oil on the soles of his feet: "My grandmother, I still have some important things to deal with, please."

When he finished speaking, he flew out.

This made He Ning seriously suspect that he deliberately wanted to throw Shen Jingyu to himself.

Shen Jingyu was indeed a little drunk tonight. Even when he had to socialize, he would still control the amount of alcohol and put allergic reactions under his control.

However, today He Ning's proposal for divorce made his emotions extreme.

When he was persuaded by the president to drink, he almost drank it all without refusing.

The reaction came very fast...

Before He Ning leaned over, he felt that his whole body was like a huge heat source. The alcohol was mixed with the masculine scent of men, which filled the room with an indescribable ambiguity.

She stepped back subconsciously and distanced herself from him.

"He Ning..." Shen Jingyu raised her eyes, with a dull pain in her mouth.

Being caught by his palm, Hening couldn't pull it out for a while.

Her voice was cold: "Shen Jingyu, I can allow you to stay here for one night, but if you want to change anything, I will have someone throw you out immediately."

Shen Jingyu chuckled lightly, her voice dry, would she still want him to stay?

Perhaps it was those reports that made Hening feel a little bit intolerant to him.

Unsure of what emotion it was, He Ning agreed to let him stay.

Obviously you can actually push him to other women to take care of...

"I'll pour you some water." He Ning turned around.

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