Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 540: How did I give you the necklace

He Yiming's eyebrows darkened, and he reluctantly suppressed: "Shen Jingyu, can you not stimulate Shanshan?"

"Can you arrange someone to go around behind her from the window downstairs and bring her back while I am talking?" Shen Jingyu asked.

Seeing that he couldn't convince him, He Yiming could only say: "It's already being arranged. But the position here is too high and it takes time."

Shen Jingyu took He Ning's hand and strode towards where He Peishan was.

When He Peishan saw Shen Jingyu coming, his eyes lit up, but then he saw He Ning next to him, his expression dimmed again.

"Brother Yu, are you coming to see me?" He Peishan automatically blocked He Ning, with a happy tone, "I knew you would come to see me. Because you still think about me in your heart, right?"

Shen Jingyu said indifferently: "I just want to say, don't put your fate in the hands of others. Especially, the man who doesn't love you."

He Peishan's face flushed, and his breathing was short: "Brother Yu, what do you mean? You made me jump off the building, and I jumped, and you are talking coldly again? Don't you really care about the whole Dragon Empire and the people in Jingyuan, what do you think? Is it?"

"I didn't care about it." Shen Jingyu stared at her, "I used to be nice to you, not because I cared about these opinions, but now I do it to you, let alone care about it."

He Peishan's tears fell: "Brother Yu..."

Shen Jingyu's face was cold.

He Yiming lowered his voice and said, "I don't expect He Ning to give Shanshan the spinal cord, but Jingyu, don't irritate her. I beg you."

He Yiming really felt sorry for his sister, and never forgot that his sister appeared in this world because of him.

She suffered because of her.

"Brother, don't ask him! You don't even give me the spinal cord. What's the use of such an ungrateful man?" He Peishan became excited.

"Shen Jingyu, have you forgotten the great kindness I had to you? When I was a child, I saved you! If you do this, won't you be afraid of being pricked in the backbone?"

There was an extremely indifferent distance in Shen Jingyu's eyes.

This is a look He Peishan has never seen before.

Even if he said he didn't love her at the beginning, he would take care of her condition and try his best to heal her.

But at this moment, his eyes were so cold that she was shocked.

"Brother Yu..." He Peishan's voice softened, "I just want to live. Given my love, give me a chance, okay?"

"He Peishan, how did I give you the necklace back then?" Shen Jingyu asked. She was so arrogant that he hadn't noticed any mistakes before.

At this moment, when he asked this sentence, he only felt ashamed to He Ning.

If he knew He Ning was the little girl early in the morning and found her many years ago, would everything be different now?

He looked at He Ning, and He Ning closed his eyes to cover up his emotions.

"..." He Peishan couldn't tell at all.

She took the necklace from Shen Jingyu herself. She used to hesitate and said that she couldn't remember when she was young.

Facing Shen Jingyu's questioning, where did she make it clear?

He Yiming said for her: "Jingyu, wasn't Shanshan young at that time? So young, where can I remember clearly?"

"At that time, under what circumstances did we first meet?" Shen Jingyu asked.

"..." He Peishan couldn't answer a word.

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