Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 541: My necklace was given to He Ning a long time ago

"At that time, did I give you anything else?" Shen Jingyu continued to ask.

"..." He Peishan opened his mouth, where would he dare to respond?

At that time, a necklace made things seem like a conclusive fact. Even if He Peishan couldn't tell the details, he didn't deliberately ask.

However, just like the counterfeit meets the genuine one, the individual counterfeit is put aside, it seems to be the case, and it looks good.

But putting it together with the genuine one, it's easy to see what's going on.

"Jingyu!" He Yiming didn't know what he meant by asking this, but felt that he had pushed He Peishan too hard.

He Peishan was very pitiful, and finally found a few words: "You gave me the necklace at that time, and you clearly gave me the necklace..."

"Really?" Shen Jingyu asked back, with endless mockery.

"Of course it is true!" He Peishan said stiffly, "you gave it to you!"

"My necklace was given to He Ning long ago! This one was put on me by my dad after he found me. You took it away!"

He Yiming was shocked.

He Peishan was also shocked.

They knew that there were two necklaces of this kind.

But I knew that one was long gone.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a thing!

He Peishan shivered.

"He Ning remembers all the details of when I was with her when I was young, and she also had that necklace. That was what I gave to her! And you, you can't even tell where we met back then, right?"

After He Peishan was dismantled, his pale face was pale, and then an abnormal red appeared.

Her gasping was even more anxious: "Brother Yu..."

This is the indisputable final acknowledgment.

"Brother Yu..." She saw that Shen Jingyu's eyes were like a deep pool.

It is the kind of deep pool that contains endless coldness.

It's the kind of deep pool that changes quickly but doesn't panic.

"Brother Yu..." She cried desperately, "I didn't mean it... I didn't, I just wanted to be with you. I just saw you take that necklace so much that I kept holding it in my hand. Will always wear..."

"So..." Shen Jingyu's voice was calm and unwavering, "If you want to jump, just jump."

Everything about her has nothing to do with him. How does he care about what she wants to do?

He Ning raised his eyes to look at Shen Jingyu. It turns out that he really has no feelings for He Peishan.

She couldn't tell exactly what she thought in her heart. Although she was kind and gentle, she was not a Virgin in the face of a woman like He Peishan.

No matter how Shen Jingyu said, she would not interfere.

"Shen Jingyu, you!" He Yi was annoyed.

He Peishan jumped outside in despair.

An exclamation sound came from downstairs.

He Ning jumped up suddenly. Although he hated He Peishan, he saw her jumping down in front of his eyes...

Shen Jingyu smoothly pulled her into his arms and covered her eyes, as if he was afraid of her being frightened.

Her body trembled, reminding him of her childhood, when she was so weak and helpless in the rainy night.

"Not afraid." Shen Jingyu comforted in a low voice.

He Yiming rushed to the railing.

The hanging heart loosened.

It turned out that when He Peishan just jumped down, he was pulled by the rescuer who just arrived, and he was dragged into the room through the window.

Shen Jingyu just happened to calculate the time.

He Ning did not hear the sound of heavy objects falling outside, and subconsciously asked, "What happened to He Peishan?"

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